Descriptive Essays

It is a common essay type among the various university courses because such a paper aims to provide readers with a detailed description with the use of technical terms, real-life examples, similar research projects, or even literary techniques like metaphors and allegories. You can check our essay examples as a reference to get a basic idea. Remember that each essay sample is only a starting point with a structure and a list of suggestions, yet you can see how it works in practice. Feel free to check more than one descriptive paper sample to compare different approaches and understand how descriptive narration is implemented from case to case. Likewise, you can use it to determine what is suitable for a particular topic and adjust your writing style accordingly.

Poem Lines Composed Above Tintern Abbey

Wordsworth's poem Lines Composed Above Tintern Abbey, published in 1978, describes his feelings about nature. Williams Wordsworth has a profound appreciation for nature, and he uses it to describe how it has affected his life throughout his life stages. Since he was a child, Wordsworth has explained the impact of...

Words: 708

Pages: 3

Energy Vulnerability in the Grain of the City

Stefan Bouzarovski and Harriet Thomson's "Energy Vulnerability in the Grain of the City: Toward Neighborhood Typologies of Material Deprivation" This article's main topic is energy poverty, which is defined as the inability to obtain a certain level of energy services in one's home. The study of fuel poverty has sparked interest...

Words: 620

Pages: 3

Essay on Mineral Jade

Jade: A Treasured Gemstone with a Rich History Jade is a greenish-black to creamy white colored ornamental stone or gemstone highly valued in Korea and China. It is a beautiful and long-lasting material that has been used to create sculptures, jewelry, and other objects for over 5000 years. Early Uses of...

Words: 1100

Pages: 4

Treatment of Mental Health

Mental health is a psychological state of well-being characterized by sanity and the absence of mental disorders. Mentally healthy people make sound decisions in both behavioral and emotional areas. Mental illness, on the other hand, is characterized by the presence of mind-related disorders. Experts are looking into the relationship between...

Words: 1653

Pages: 7


In the medical sector, setting high ethical standards is essential because it defines the level of treatment that the public receives (Campbell 2003, p. 292). Medical professionals must follow ethical principles outlined in their code of conduct. Since they deal with people's futures, the medical profession necessitates a high level...

Words: 1333

Pages: 5

The Exercise of Virtue: Aristotle's Argument

Many philosophers have addressed the subject of virtue, but Aristotle's argument appears to stand out. Virtue focuses on moral philosophy and the role of character rather than doing or acting in a certain way in order to achieve positive results. When faced with similar circumstances, a virtuous person acts in...

Words: 912

Pages: 4

Forty Signs of Rain

On September 26, 2015 I wrote a paper on the “Forty Signs of Rain” novel which used to be my summer assignment. Undoubtedly, there would be drastic changes of my essay from the point of summer season 2015 until winter 2017. I am correct as to my information that I had...

Words: 682

Pages: 3

Personal Identity

Identity and Perception Identity is a thinking that one develops about themselves which usually changes in the course of one's lifetime. It may additionally also involve specific elements of life that an individual may not have control over, such as the place where one grew up, some of the alternatives that...

Words: 700

Pages: 3

Compare of Germany and Poland Christian Religion

This research paper examines the comparison and contrast of Christian religious beliefs and practices between Germany and Poland. It appears at the various dimensions of relevance the Germans and the people of Poland assign themselves to religion in their everyday lives, and it also explores their views and opinions of God...

Words: 933

Pages: 4

Consciousness in Life

Nearly all the occasions one does in his or her life Whether they are bad or good, tend to structure life in a negative or positive manner. It is quintessential for people to be conscious of their day-to-day occasions in order determine how active they impact their personality.Relevance of Work Interactions In...

Words: 895

Pages: 4

Reason why did the Homestead Strike turned Violent

In the summer season of 1892, Henry Frick, the Chief Executive Officer of Carnegie Steel Company, made a decision to reduce the salaries of his workers, which provoked a strike. Instead of engaging the people in a negotiation, Frick hired a private security organization to keep the striking union members...

Words: 311

Pages: 2

The Event that Changed My Life

Meeting My Life-Changing Wife Many times, I've overheard people telling me about particular people or incidents in their lives that came along and permanently changed their lives. Most of these people often mention certain exceptional and unusual situations that have had a huge effect on their lives, causing them to change...

Words: 926

Pages: 4

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