Essays on Cuba

Cuba essay is about the largest island of the West Indies and one of the largest islands in the world. It nestles in the western Caribbean on the edge of the Gulf of Mexico. Cuba essays note that in terms of history, culture, language, and customs, Cuba is similar to the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Authors of essays usually mention that Cuba’s territory is 109 884 km2, its population is 11,34 million people. Some essays on Cuba study its geography, other – history, and politics. Cuba's landscapes are very diverse. There are valleys, mountains, and hills. Cuba is a republic and it's ruled by President Miguel Díaz-Canel. You can learn more about this country from our Cuba essay samples. Check out various interesting essay samples below.

Cuban Tourism Industry

Tourism in Cuba is an essential economic factor to the country development structure. The tourism in Cuba revolutionize immediately Raul Castro took over the country as the President after his brother. However, Cuba has faced a huge challenge of Communism, which has left the country in an economic crisis. The...

Words: 4073

Pages: 15

The Cuban Revolution

The Cuban Revolution and Its Impact on Poverty The most cited and discussed subject about Cuba's history was the Cuban Revolution. Many stories have been written describing the traumatizing experience that people went through at the time of the revolution to deliberate on the political and social institutions and the way...

Words: 662

Pages: 3

Cuban American Community in the United States

Cuban Americans in the United States Cuban Americans constitute one of the significant Latinos in the United States, and many have integrated with Americans. In 1910, after Cuba got its independence, there were about 15,000 Cubans in the US, but after overthrowing of the government by Fidel Castro in 1959, more...

Words: 817

Pages: 3

The U.S. Embargo on Cuba: Impacts on Trade and Human Development

Introduction For nearly six decades, the U.S. has enforced an official ban (el bloqueo) on trade and other economic transactions against Cuba. Since its introduction, the embargo has been the center of many political and socio-economic debates. In 2014, President Obama's administration made a significant shift towards normalizing the relations between...

Words: 592

Pages: 3

U.S. Relations with Cuba

The nature of political conflicts in Cuba that resulted in an overthrow of the government of Batista in 1959, as well as series of threats of revolutions in Latin America spearheaded by the then leader, Fidel Castro, lead to a decision by the United to negate trade links with the...

Words: 1622

Pages: 6

U.S. Economic Sanctions on Cuba

Overview For nearly six decades, the U.S. has enforced an official ban (el bloqueo) on trade and other economic transactions against Cuba. Since its introduction, the embargo has been the center of many political and socio-economic debates. In 2014, President Obama’s administration made a significant shift towards normalizing the relations between...

Words: 595

Pages: 3

The poem “Me gusta andar de noche”

One of the best-known poems by Concha Mendez: "Me gusta andar de noche" One of the best-known poems by noted Spanish poet Concha Mendez is "Me gusta andar de noche." The poem, which Mendez wrote while living in exile in Cuba, first appeared in the 1939 novel El ciervo herido (The...

Words: 944

Pages: 4

Cuba and the United States: A Common Struggle for Civil Rights

Black people were treated as second-class citizens and inferior to their white counterparts, and this resulted in the fight for civil rights for African-Americans and Afro-Cubans in both Cuba and the United States. Although the degree to which black people experienced racial discrimination varied between the two nations due to...

Words: 872

Pages: 4

The International Human Rights Issue

The Rights of Cuban Refugees The rights of Cuban refugees had to run concurrently with and in proportion to the rights possessed by other US citizens. Furthermore, the majority of those who make up the refugee population are children, and children deserve to live in a peaceful environment where they can...

Words: 2643

Pages: 10

Battle of San Juan Hill

The Spanish-American War and the Battle of San Juan Hill The Spanish-American War, led by Teddy Roosevelt, is best known for the Battle of San Juan Hill. The goal of the conflict was to seize Santiago de Cuba, impose American authority over Cuba, and depose Spanish rule over the island. After...

Words: 1197

Pages: 5

Family Interview Cultural Contrast and Comparison

Although the man is regarded as the head of the household in our Cuban society, the woman rules the household as a whole The majority of family choices are made by my father, sometimes with the help of my mother. Being the oldest boy, I share the majority of father...

Words: 2073

Pages: 8

Pérez, Louis A. in The war of 1898

The historical and historiographic comparison of the US and Cuba The historical and historiographic comparison of the US and Cuba. (University of North Carolina Press, 1998) explores the significance of the conflict that occurred in 1898 in greater detail. He analyzes the history as it has been presented in American historical...

Words: 597

Pages: 3

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