Port-au-Prince, the country of Haiti's capital, is located in the Caribbean Sea. It became the first sovereign nation with a black president. In the 19th century, it freed itself from French imperial rule. It was the second country in the Americas to achieve freedom after the United States of America....
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The World is Moving Around Me: A Memoir of the Haiti Earthquake Introduction The book The World is Moving Around Me is based on the account of an eyewitness who uses his memory to write down the events that occurred. It outlines the events that happened during the earthquake and the resulting...
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Tracy Kidder Meets Paul Farmer in Haiti Tracy Kidder is seated with Jon Carroll, an American Forces captain, at an army post in Mirebalais, Haiti, 14 days before Christmas in 1994. Carroll is told that he has visitors, one American friend, and four Haitians, as they are sitting. The American identifies...
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Tom White and his Contribution to Haiti Tom White was the donor who contributed money that would go to help the negative people in Haiti. He was a businessman who used to be wealthy and charitable. Ho was the proprietor of a construction company in Boston. Tom used to be very...
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