Evaluation Essays

An evaluation essay belongs to those examples of academic writing that deal with the analysis of provided judgments or those statements that an author believes to be either true or false. The majority of evaluation essay examples that you may encounter will be based around evidence or justification of a certain point. If there are counter-opinions, include them as well with an unbiased explanation and reliable peer-reviewed references. The trick is to examine the provided information and explain why it is valid and why it is important for backing up your thesis statement. Take time to browse through our evaluation paper samples to see what is considered good evidence and how to structure your assignment correctly.

Movie poster of the titanic

Through theater, film, and music, Western culture has been spread to the rest of the world." The Western film industry thrives on the kindness displayed by the rest of the world as it marvels at the technologies used in production as well as the sentimental appeals that come with such...

Words: 1119

Pages: 5

The film Scream merits

Audio-Visual Art and its Growth Audio-visual art has experienced a lot of growth over the past few years. Currently, not only are films made using a lot of visual manipulation, but they include inaccurate representations. It makes a lot of sense, for the sake of fun, to incorporate such components as...

Words: 657

Pages: 3

The significances of red envelopes: Promises and lies at a Singaporean Chinese funeral

The meanings of red envelopes: Promises and lies at a Singaporean Chinese funeral The article The meanings of red envelopes: Promises and lies at a Singaporean Chinese funeral written by Ruth E. Toulson, revolves around a large question: Why do red envelopes appear at Singaporean Chinese funerals? The creator...

Words: 1325

Pages: 5


Byron Kim Bibliography Kim Byron is a contemporary artist that was born in La Jolla California in 1961. His early years in art were in the 1990s where he produced artwork with single colours on canvases. His works made a major contribution to the Whitney Biennial. Part of...

Words: 2081

Pages: 8

Assessment and Reflection Paper on Cultural Competencies

From the outset of my class until today, my multicultural experience has been substantially enhanced and transformed. In this regard I am willing, in order to communicate and connect effectively, to enhance my understanding of the value or significance of multicultural awareness. In terms of multicultural surroundings, these advantages include...

Words: 2564

Pages: 10

Impact of social media and the internet on the Acknowledgment of Rape Culture in America

The conversation on rape culture in America today has never been more tense than ever. Recent harassment and abuse cases involving top celebrities have fueled an ever more raging controversy, pitting activists, feminists and concerned people against each other. More pitiful is the fact that the Internet and social media...

Words: 2496

Pages: 10

Great classical music composers

Claude Debussy, a prominent French composer who was one of the most protuberant figure that was involved in the late 19th and 20th century impressionist music and Gustav Mahler who was an Austrian romantic composer and served as a link amid the modernism of the earlier 19th and 20th century...

Words: 290

Pages: 2

Flappers influenced by jazz

The Influence of Jazz Music on the Culture and Fashion of the 1920s The 1920s was an adventurous and enjoyable time full of cultural and fashion transformations thanks to music, particularly jazz music. Undoubtedly, this is a time whose events cannot melt away in the history of America. This was the...

Words: 1217

Pages: 5

Religious Family Tradition

In the preceding years It has been a family tradition to attend New Years Eve celebrations in our local church. Since I used to be young, our parents made it mandatory for the whole household to participate in the service as we usher in the New Year. A Reggae Concert to Usher...

Words: 609

Pages: 3

The bad influence of social media on society

Social Media and Its Negative Effects on Society Social media has certainly had a significant influence on society, the environment, and communication, among other facets of life. While social media has removed connectivity barriers and obstacles, as well as encouraging knowledge sharing and cultural diversity, it has had a negative effect...

Words: 1340

Pages: 5


Constructivism Constructivism, which emerged in Russia in the early twentieth century, was an architectural movement that arose from Vladimir Tatlin s experimentation with three-dimensional artwork (Ruder 16). As a result, artists felt that the object of their art was to serve a social purpose. In other words, through constructivism,...

Words: 362

Pages: 2

Cultural Aspects of Housing in America

American society is a complex culture, and there are a variety of ethnicities living there. The identity of a community typically affects its environment, and this, in turn, becomes part of the community. In their housing community, this diversity has been extended. Today, though, tradition is not the only thing...

Words: 1235

Pages: 5

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