Argumentative Essays

Argumentative essay writing belongs to one of the most challenging essay types because it takes one to investigate a particular subject with an aim to provide certain evidence or argumentation in a clear way. You can check our essay samples to see what structure must be followed for your paper. In most cases, you will see how the sources must be incorporated by turning to analysis. Our examples contain various paper samples where argumentation is presented in a thesis that comes after an introduction that explains why your topic matters. Use such an approach by taking our paper sample as guidance for the “introduction - quote - analysis” pattern of argumentative writing. Your personal contribution must stay unbiased if your task requires so and each quote must be properly referenced.

Drawing on the Antwerp Diamond heist case

Discuss (argue) what a systems approach to physical security is and why security degradation can impair the effectiveness of a well-designed PPS using the Antwerp Diamond robbery as an example. To begin, keep in mind that physical security generally refers to the protection of data, networks, software, hardware, and individuals from...

Words: 2709

Pages: 10

SQL DDL Statements and Normalization

Database normalization is a common practice for maintaining data separation in a certain schema to prevent unauthorized data access, insertion and deletion, inconsistent updates, and cancellation anomalies. In addition to improving performance, it prevents data duplication and redundancy. Also, it aids in preventing the creation of superfluous tables. By distinguishing...

Words: 900

Pages: 4

Health Impacts of Climate Change

Climate Change and its Impact on Human Health Climate change is a global issue that has had a significant impact on human health, and if it is not addressed, future generations will face the repercussions. Minor climate changes have caused a variety of health issues, including heart troubles, allergies, cancer, and...

Words: 680

Pages: 3

The issue of World Hunger

By 2050, the world's population is projected to increase from its current level of 7 billion people to over 9 billion, and the largest obstacle to food security is that current predictions for agricultural output make it highly improbable that the population will be adequately fed (De Schutter, 2014). While...

Words: 1573

Pages: 6

The Impact of Different Economic Concepts on Australian Economy

Australia's Economic Growth Australia's economic growth has been influenced by a variety of economic activity and trends. The value of national expenditure and output has increased, resulting in an increase in real GDP. Furthermore, a boost in the aggregate supply and aggregate demand for investment, capital, and labor productivity has resulted...

Words: 1763

Pages: 7

An Operating system (OS)

An operating system (OS) An operating system (OS) is a type of system software that operates on a computer (Stallings, 2014). It handles hardware and software resources while also providing common services to a number of computer programs. In essence, the OS provides a user-friendly environment for interfacing with computer hardware....

Words: 999

Pages: 4

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

According to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), malaria is widespread in over a hundred territories and nations worldwide, with the majority of cases occurring in less developed hotspots in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Malaria kills about one million people in Africa alone each year. 90% of the approximately...

Words: 307

Pages: 2

VPN is a Virtual Private Network

A VPN is a Virtual Private Network that allows a user to connect to a network over the internet in a safe and private manner by establishing an encrypted connection known as a VPN tunnel. The VPN tunnel is a secure channel through which internet traffic and other communications are...

Words: 749

Pages: 3

Hacking - Password Cracking

A password is a string of alphanumeric characters that is used to verify the identity of the user of an information technology device or system. It is commonly used in computers to ensure that only authorized users have access to the device s operating operations. On the other hand, there...

Words: 1631

Pages: 6

The Boston Marathon bombing

On April 20, 2013, there was an assault that took place at the Boston Marathon. During the attack, three individuals died and more than 250 others were hurt. The Boston Public Library was among the neighboring buildings that were impacted by the explosion. The two bombs were homemade and detonated...

Words: 1555

Pages: 6

Why the courts are most effective in enforcing family law

The best way to enforce family rules is through the courts. Family law is frequently intricate and difficult. Courts deal with a variety of family law-related issues, such as divorce and separation, property and asset division, child care and custody decisions, family violence, and conflict resolution. (Becker & Becker 2009)....

Words: 357

Pages: 2

The U.S Secret service (USSS)

A federal agent authorized to work with state officials and carry out criminal investigations is the U.S. Secret Service (USSS). The agency, which has its main headquarters in Washington, D.C., has more than 150 offices both inside and outside the US. Criminal inquiry and investigation are the two main goals...

Words: 2556

Pages: 10

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