Argumentative Essays

Argumentative essay writing belongs to one of the most challenging essay types because it takes one to investigate a particular subject with an aim to provide certain evidence or argumentation in a clear way. You can check our essay samples to see what structure must be followed for your paper. In most cases, you will see how the sources must be incorporated by turning to analysis. Our examples contain various paper samples where argumentation is presented in a thesis that comes after an introduction that explains why your topic matters. Use such an approach by taking our paper sample as guidance for the “introduction - quote - analysis” pattern of argumentative writing. Your personal contribution must stay unbiased if your task requires so and each quote must be properly referenced.

About same-gender marriage

Introduction Same-gender marriage is the legal union of two people of the same gender. Same-sex unions have occurred all around the world throughout history. In any case, legislation prohibiting such social unions did not become prevalent until the beginning of the twenty-first century. As late as 2015, only 17 countries...

Words: 2122

Pages: 8

Do Interest Groups Subvert Democracy?

The Role of Interest Groups in Undermining Democracy The subject of whether interest groups undermine democracy has long been argued in history. A thorough examination of the matter, however, indicates that interest groups play a considerable role in weakening the values that underlie liberal democracy. Survival is dependent on interest groups...

Words: 556

Pages: 3


Democracy, defined as the rule of law by the general public, operates differently in different countries around the world and is closely tied to a country's political system. Some countries, particularly the most developed, have more democracy than others. Furthermore, democracy has evolved over time (Grigorescu & Komp, 2017). For...

Words: 2397

Pages: 9


Language has always played an important role in a country's political process. It is one of the primary tools used as agents of positive or negative change. Most world tyrants have always employed neutral means to intervene in instances requiring the analysis and explanation of a written or oral communication...

Words: 5321

Pages: 20

Administrative Procedures Act

The Administrative Procedures Act is a federal statute in the United States that was enacted in 1946 to establish guidelines for how various government agencies develop and issue regulations (Rubin, Edward). It specifies the requirements for publishing final and proposed rulemaking notices in the Federal Register. Furthermore, it allows citizens...

Words: 427

Pages: 2

U.S. Healthcare Federalism

The Role of the Executive Branch in Women's Health Care The executive branch, which is both accountable and objective, makes a considerable contribution to the development of health-care policies in the United States. The branch has several entities that provide a wealth of expertise and understanding of both social and health...

Words: 808

Pages: 3

Mohammed bin Salman to Ataturk

Leadership in History There have been many great leaders throughout history who have helped their countries become the prosperous nations they are today. Turkish politician Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who transformed his nation into what it is today, is one of history’s most illustrious leaders. Society and Leadership Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi...

Words: 1549

Pages: 6

Why Steroids were used in Olympics

Increased Doping at the Olympics Over the past few years, there has been an increase in the amount of doping at the Olympics. Charles Lucas, an Olympic chronicler and a physician, said that it was with the aid of drugs that Charles Hicks, a British-American athlete, brought the marathon honors to...

Words: 1538

Pages: 6

The Junkyard Planet

One of the principles promoted by the junkyard planet is the preservation of the environment and prevention from dangerous risks. The globe is strewn with dangerous materials, and the items are recycled to protect people from the various effects of the elements, according to the book ( page 2). An...

Words: 622

Pages: 3

Municipal Government Operations Governance Structures and Political Influence

Local Governments in the US Local governments serve as the states' legal frameworks in the US. According to state statutes and constitutions, they were established. The establishment of local governments and the scope of their powers are both covered by state laws. In the US, counties, municipalities, townships, and school and...

Words: 435

Pages: 2

advertisement - The Daisy Girl

This advertising was intentionally shown on American television to provide President Lyndon Johnson political mileage against Barry Goldwater in the 1964 presidential election. The advertisement opens with an innocent girl counting petals from a daisy floral component. As the video zooms in on the girl's eye, a gruff voice begins...

Words: 285

Pages: 2

Social networking sites (SNSs)

Web-based Social Networking Services Web-based social networking services called social networking sites (SNSs) allow users to create public profiles in a closed system, accept other users with whom they have things in common, and browse and traverse a list of other users with whom they have connections. Lujja & Ozata (2017)...

Words: 948

Pages: 4

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