Argumentative Essays

Argumentative essay writing belongs to one of the most challenging essay types because it takes one to investigate a particular subject with an aim to provide certain evidence or argumentation in a clear way. You can check our essay samples to see what structure must be followed for your paper. In most cases, you will see how the sources must be incorporated by turning to analysis. Our examples contain various paper samples where argumentation is presented in a thesis that comes after an introduction that explains why your topic matters. Use such an approach by taking our paper sample as guidance for the “introduction - quote - analysis” pattern of argumentative writing. Your personal contribution must stay unbiased if your task requires so and each quote must be properly referenced.

The meeting I attended

The meeting I attended was a meeting of the local municipal council. The meeting was divided into three halves. The first session focused on identifying and assessing the town s problems, as well as determining a solution to the identified issues. The final session focused on forming a monitoring and...

Words: 1741

Pages: 7

The direction of argument that both Marx and Engel

The line of reasoning Engel and Marx use in regards to human consciousness The line of reasoning Engel and Marx use in regards to human consciousness is sound and supported by a wide range of concepts. They contend that the European countries saw that communism was a unifying force that brought...

Words: 289

Pages: 2

Cyberspace and Jurisdiction

The Internet and Jurisdiction The internet is seen as a new conduit for conducting commercial activities such as commerce and communication in any area of the world. Because all operations in cyberspace do not require a geographical location, the importance of the actual location of parties involved in transactions is currently...

Words: 1320

Pages: 5

Film Analysis The Lord of the Flies

The Islanders in "The Lord of the Flies" The islanders in "The Lord of the Flies" are in a condition of political society. A jet carrying a group of people from Britain is shot on a barren tropical island at the start of the film. People gather in the desert to...

Words: 1176

Pages: 5

Troubled Assets Recovery Plan - The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA)

The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA) The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA) was drafted by the United States Congress and signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008. This was a premeditated response to the oncoming financial crisis in the United States, which was reaching near-panic proportions....

Words: 2201

Pages: 9

The green economy

The Green Economy The green economy is defined as economic aims that aim to decrease environmental concerns and ecological scarcity. The primary goal of the green economy is to promote ecological development while minimizing environmental deterioration. The green economy is fundamentally centered on reducing environmental waste in order to optimize the...

Words: 1788

Pages: 7

Great depression of the 1930s

The Great Depression of the 1930s was perhaps one of the most depressing economic downturns in American and industrialised world history (Rittenberg and Tregarthen 689). It had an undeniable impact on the worldwide economic situation at the time. Despite the causes of the Great Depression are still being contested among...

Words: 2123

Pages: 8

Explain when to use these different types of loops

The For Loop The For Loop is used to allow the repetition of a specific part of code for a predetermined number of times. At times, the computer is the one that knows how many times to repeat the code. The For Loop, for example, will be used in a code...

Words: 577

Pages: 3

The movie Inside Job

The Documentary Film "Inside Job" The documentary film Inside Job examines the issues surrounding one of the most catastrophic financial crises that the United States has ever faced. Charles H. Ferguson, the director, analyzed the financial services industry in 2008 and attributed the impending catastrophe to systematic malfeasance. The video is...

Words: 1479

Pages: 6

Background of Macro Economy of Norway

The current economic conditions govern the growth and living standards of individuals in any given country, which are heavily influenced by the country's resource endowment, social variables, and economic stability. The Norwegian economy, like the economies of other countries throughout the world, is primarily affected by unemployment, inflation, economic depression,...

Words: 2905

Pages: 11

The problem of age related hearing loss

The condition of age-related hearing loss, commonly known as (presbycusis), affects people as they get older. This is one of the most serious issues that elderly people encounter in their lives. According to studies, one out of every three persons in the United States has a hearing issue by the...

Words: 1634

Pages: 6

Role of CIO in an Organization

The Role of Chief Information Officer (CIO) The chief information officer (CIO) is the person in charge of an organization's computer systems or information systems. The CIO's responsibility is to make major contributions to the creation of the team's goals. They are in charge of overseeing everyday IT operations, innovating, balancing...

Words: 1020

Pages: 4

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