The meeting I attended

The meeting I attended was a meeting of the local municipal council. The meeting was divided into three halves. The first session focused on identifying and assessing the town's problems, as well as determining a solution to the identified issues. The final session focused on forming a monitoring and control committee as well as wrapping off the meeting.

The meeting was held at the local council hall, which is housed within the structure. The gathering can accommodate 25 persons. The seating configuration was a round-table arrangement.

The major purpose of the gathering was to find solutions to the town's security problems.

The municipal council government main focus was on ensuring that all the areas and neighborhoods and estates within the town. The meeting was a problem-solving meeting because it entailed:

Identifying problems in the municipality which in this case was the insecurity issue.

In-depth analysis of the problem, which in this case is about understanding and dissecting the insecurity problem as well as other related problems that arise because of the insecurity.

Selecting the most appropriate team of experts who can help in effective solving of the problem.

Generation of ideas which constitutes establishing the various ways of solving the problem. As such it was a brainstorming session.

Team members' discussion, as well as this case, the team members, were allowed to pin point and narrow down their ideas to come up with the most appropriate and workable ones

Identifying the best idea from all the proposed ones.

Establishing a feasible conclusion which entailed selecting the most appropriate line of action, identifying the team in charge as well as setting up the budget among others.

The meeting was not a regularly scheduled event rather it was a meeting meant to solve a specific issue. As such in this case, the meeting was intended for addressing the insecurity issue in the area. However, the council still conducts regular monthly meetings as a follow up to that meeting.

The meeting has a well-designed and established communication to advance it.The leadership prepared the agenda which they circulated to the participants in advance. As such, the agenda also outlined the time as well as the venue of the meeting, the discussion topics, as well as the closing time.

The meeting has the leader style of communication. In this case, the chair of the meeting was the mayor. The leader style was evident by the fact that the mayor encouraged collective participation and avoiding some few people monopolizing the meeting. He championed for having diverse opinions. Moreover, the mayor was able to stimulate discussions.

The bases of the power of the leader were based on the paradigms which include:

Expert and knowledge: This paradigm constitutes the idea that the leader in the meeting has the necessary skills that are needed for the running of the meeting. The paradigm is related with the base that the leader made sure that members who are partisan to the meeting were knowledgeable in the relevant fields related to security.

Reward power base: the reward base, is a paradigm whereby the leader offers some incentive to the subordinates. In the case of the municipal meeting, the leader encouraged people to participate actively by offering a free holiday for all the participants.

Castigation power base: In this case, the leader enforces discipline during the meeting. As such, the mayor would use the power base, when the partisans on the meeting would deviate from the main agenda.

During the meeting, everyone was given an equal opportunity of airing their views. For instance, when coming up with suggestions of how to solve the insecurity issue, the mayor allowed each member a chance to give their opinion. As such there was no dominance.

I observed some element of conflict and tension mores so during the second session of the meeting. Conflict, mainly stemmed from the fact that some of the members could not agree with the ideas brought up by others. In that's case, some arguments and conflict erupted once in a while. Furthermore, I also observed the body language of the participants, and from that the tension was evident. For example, at some point there were frowning faces, people closing their fists as well as narrowing the eye brows and leaning back. At some moments for instance when the budget was being discussed, the meeting participants especially those in the accounting department had leaned forward. They were so much willing to share and would use hand gestures to elaborate and explain their points and figures related.

At the point when people were discussing the high death rates as well as missing children due to lack of security in the town, most people were in a somber mood. In fact, I would observe that they had crunched their eyebrows to show keenness when the issues were being articulated to the police. I also saw them nodding their heads to show that they had understood and were willing to participate in improving the security of the area.

The intended outcome of that meeting was to establish feasible solutions for resolving the insecurity issue in the area. It was achieved at the end of the three consecutive meeting sessions which ended with a well-established solution for tackling the identified problems.

The pivotal moments that brought about the success of the meeting include:

The leader allowed some break in moments of high tension. The breaks gave the experts a chance to consider the ideas on the table

At times, the leader would balance the meeting and ensure alertness and full concentration by incorporating humor during the sessions.

Allocation of equal time for each participant to air their views and opinions. It thus ensured active participation from everyone.

The leader allowed some time for clarification to ensure that everyone was on board with everything that was discussed.


Positive Qualities of the Meeting.

Providing the meeting's agenda, way before the meeting day.

Allocate each member time to air their views

Selecting experts in the related field to be participants

Using humor during the meeting

Allowing for breaks in during the meeting

Proper time management

The leader delegated duties during the meeting.

Negative Qualities in The Meeting.

The issues on the agenda were not given even attention

Some members were glued to their phones and tablets during the meeting

Having sub-meetings within the main meeting

Discussion of The Top 3 In Each of The Lists.

Effective Qualities.

Providing the agenda beforehand allows the members to prepare for the meeting effectively (Mathews, 2009). As such, the agenda always give the members some sense of direction as far as the subject matter is concerned.

Just as outlined by Bates Communications Inc, (2007) allowing each member time to contribute during the meeting reduced dominance in the discussions, and as such, the chair ended up with numerous ideas about the issue at hand.

Having experts in the meeting ensured that the ideas that were presented were brilliant and relevant to the subject matter. As such, it ensured that workable solutions were obtained.

Ineffective Qualities.

By allocating uneven attention, the issues, may not be favorable, since some issues were not well addressed because they were ranked less important than others and hence the members rushed through them, yet they still deserved proper resolution.

Having some members glued to the various technologies that they brought with them to the meeting, limited their participation. As such, it makes the meeting unfulfilling since not everyone gave 100% concentration and interest on the issues.

Having sub-meetings, allowed for uncontrolled as well as irrelevant discussions within the meeting. Such happenings impede order and wastes time.


In this situation, the agenda of the meeting will be "discussion the Quality improvement plan of in the health care organization." As such; I believe that would be a good agenda for the members to discuss and deliberate. The meeting will take a maximum of six hours, which will be allocated as follows:


10 MINUTES Changes regarding the agenda Members will be allowed to Suggest any changes to the agenda

1HOUR How to improve the Quality of health care using current healthcare service technologies Members to brainstorm of the relevant technologies.

Each member to air their opinions on the same

1½ HOURS Selecting and identifying the best health care QI technologies. The experts will have to narrow down to the best feasible technologies.

1½HOURS Establishing the ways of implementing the technologies that the members will agree upon. Each member will be asked to give their opinion on the same.

1HOUR Partisans of the implementation process The members will have a chance of suggesting the partners who will be involved in the project

50MINUTES Expected challenges in the implementation and their solutions. Members will brainstorm on the possible challenges and also discuss the solutions.

The attendees at the meeting will include the following people:


CHIEF ACCOUNTANT Analyzing the financial situation and capability of the organization Bachelor's degree in account as well as a CPA Providing information concerning the projections of the cost related to the project.

HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER Concerned with health care service provision including preventive as well as curative, rehabilitative and promotional care. Having at least a Bachelor's degree qualification in the respective field.

Have at least seven years of experience Providing of relevant health care service related information regarding the QI project.

RISK OFFICER Assessment, reporting, evaluation, as well as management, as well as reporting of risk

Member of a research company as well as a relevant qualification in the field. Analyzing the possible risk concerning the project and the possible management methodologies.

Measurable Objectives to Base on The Success of The Planned Meeting.

Outlining the gains that the health care sector will accrue from the project

Come up with the ways of tackling the possible challenges in the implementation process.

Establish various ways of generating the required finances to implement the process.


Bates Communications Inc. (2007, November 11). Are You Running Meetings, Or Are Meetings Running You? Retrieved from Bates Communications Inc: (2004). Leading a Meeting. Retrieved from

Facilitative Leader & Instructor. (2012, December 14). How Can a Participant Lead Meetings and Subtly Take Charge. Retrieved from

Mathews, A. (2009, October 14). 6 Secrets Of Effective Meetings. Retrieved from

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