Essays on Science

It is smart to start your science essay by providing a good definition of the subject. Science is a special type of human cognitive activity aimed at obtaining, substantiating, and systematizing objective knowledge about the world, a person, society, and cognition itself, based on which a person transforms reality. Science essays teach us that society needs science to explain complex, sometimes mysterious phenomena. Writing essays on science is a good way to acknowledge scientists – the most observant and inquisitive people, those who make discoveries, create new knowledge, and make it available to all mankind. Need help with your science essay? We listed some interesting science essay samples you should check out – you can find samples of essays we picked out below.


People express themselves through music Music is one of the mediums used to demonstrate diversity. In their heart, musical works serve as a conduit for humans to communicate with themselves and others. It is a platform where people can find a sense of belonging. The fact can be observed and linked...

Words: 2092

Pages: 8

Murals Artistic Expression and Imagination

Murals are works of art whose canvases are building ceilings, walls, and other surfaces. Cavemen first experimented with murals as a means of creative expression by painting on the walls of the caves they lived in. As a result, the genre of art is regarded as the oldest in the...

Words: 1727

Pages: 7

Nick Cave's Sound Suit

Nick's Cave Sound Suits Nick's cave sound suits have been described as one of the most fantastic artworks of all time since he puts so much of his imagination into providing original things to his audience. The artwork was on display in Nashville's Frist Center, among other exhibits (Paramore 1). It...

Words: 911

Pages: 4

Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture of the Interior at the Stark Gallery Frank Lloyd Wright is widely regarded as one of the most prominent artists of the twentieth century. Wright spoke on the significance of democracy in architecture. Frank is a significant artist, and he felt that a house was more than...

Words: 1697

Pages: 7

Will Bradley's effect on art nouveau illustration in the U.S.

Will Bradley: The King of American Art Nouveau Will Bradley was a Boston-born American Art Nouveau artist. Bradley started his adventure when he was twelve years old. Bradley learned skills that would come in handy later in life while working at the printer's shop. As a result, by the age of...

Words: 1639

Pages: 6

The Language of Violence

According to the writer, language is impartial and used as a medium to express the attitude of the individual that is using it, which implies that it has no prejudice or agenda on its own but only reinforces the social meaning of the people who use it. It can be...

Words: 351

Pages: 2

modernism art is Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau in Modernism Art Nouveau is an important aspect of modernism art. This style of art movement was developed in Europe with the primary purpose of eradicating conventional modes of art. When society began to modernize, artists became concerned with the portrayal of art, which seemed bland and out of...

Words: 1642

Pages: 6

Differences and similarities between the Fortifications of Knossos and Mycenae

The Appreciation of Art and the Similarities Between Knossos and Mycenae The appreciation of art has persisted throughout history, and artists have used this term to express the knowledge they believe is important to humanity. Knossos and Mycenae, two of Greece's most important archeological sites, have been the subject of many...

Words: 614

Pages: 3


I chose the food topic. This is because food is an essential component of human life, and because there has never been a suitable human body fuel that could supplement it, there has been an abundance of food lore spread throughout human society. Food has a different significance for each individual....

Words: 1519

Pages: 6

Yves Saint Laurent designed in 1966

People's clothes have a huge effect on their image and communicate a lot of detail to members of society. Designers also launch one-of-a-kind clothing models in order to inspire their customers and increase sales. Le Smoking Suit, an outfit modeled by Yves Saint Laurent for women in 1966, is a...

Words: 670

Pages: 3

The Future of Audio Technology

Audio Technology: Past, Present, and Future Audio is defined as sound that is received, transmitted, or reproduced at a particular frequency. To comprehend the future of audio technology, I will address questions such as when it was first created. In audio technology, what is the dynamic range system? How has audio...

Words: 665

Pages: 3

The Painting ‘Qui' by George Barbier

George Barbier: A French Artist of the Early Twentieth Century George Barbier is a well-known French artist who rose to prominence in the early twentieth century. He not only designed costumes, but also wallpapers, fans, jewelry, and fabrics. However, George Barbier is best known today for his skills in fashion illustration...

Words: 903

Pages: 4

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