Essays on Zoology

The Importance of Pets in Society

The purpose of the research was to identify the relationship that people have with their pets. The research was driven by the observation that people identify their pets as part of their family and tend to have a special emotional connection with them. As a result, the research uses the...

Words: 735

Pages: 3

The Common Knowledge that Goldfish Have a Short Memory of Approximately Three Seconds is a Myth

The article provides that when human beings perform cognitive tasks, the activities involve the utilization of mental images. For instance, when individuals are asked to recount the number of windows present in their apartments or houses, they will create a mental map of the house before moving through it while...

Words: 1868

Pages: 7

The Relationship Between People and Pets

The purpose of the research was to identify the relationship that people have with their pets. The investigation was driven by the observation that people identify their pets as part of their family and tend to have a special emotional connection with them. As a result, the research uses the...

Words: 738

Pages: 3

Self-Recognition in Primates and Its Influence Factors

Self-recognition in primates has been an interesting area of research following the shared similarity. While many primates demonstrate high intelligence, self recognition is poorly demonstrated by species constituting the primates. Most researchers agree that there is great similarity between chimpanzees and apes, a factor that is probably contributing to their...

Words: 1458

Pages: 6

The Concept of Rationality

Rationality can be defined as the ability to make sound decisions depending on one’s beliefs. Rationality relates what is true and what actions to take. It provides bases for actions taken by a person (Hale, 24). Human rationality can be identified by the logic deployed in their judgment. A rational...

Words: 892

Pages: 4

The Invention of Wile E Coyote

Wile E Coyote is a cartoon character that creates many inventions to enable him to kill the Road Runner. Are the inventions seen in this Character new idea? That is a question that can be applied to us as human beings. Human beings have been existing for a period of...

Words: 1260

Pages: 5

Comparison of Cinderella and Peter Pan

Cinderella and Peter Pan are fantastic animations that have entertained several generations of children and still serves the same purpose. In the current age, some generations in the adult groups are always impressed by the entertainment to the extent of maintaining their loyalty. With the original theatrical release being 1950...

Words: 1264

Pages: 5

The Dualism of Descartes and Darwin

Descartes' Dualism vs. Darwinian Monism Descartes’ dualism has been considered a philosophical concept that aids in the understanding of the mind-body relationship. Descartes asserted that the mind and body are two separate entities amidst the fact that they are ‘joined’ to perform a particular function among humanity. While Descartes believes in...

Words: 866

Pages: 4

The Existence of Bigfoot

The Existence of Bigfoot: A Hoax? The existence of the Big Foot though supported by various people does not have any scientific or exact physical sighting. What people mainly rely on are unauthenticated legendary stories. Therefore, it is apparent that the Big Foot story is a hoax meant to hoodwink the...

Words: 1129

Pages: 5

The Chupacabra Does Not Exist

Cryptids relate to creatures which attract claims of existence albeit the absence of proof to substantiate their survival. Hence, skepticism surrounds claims of the animal’s existence. Cryptids account for the characters highlighted in various ancient myths attracting the interest of cryptozoologists. As a pseudoscience, cryptozoology encompasses the endeavors made by...

Words: 1555

Pages: 6

Cryptozoology and Cryptids

Cryptid refer to myths that try to explain the existence of plants or creatures that have not been scientifically described or documented or discovered by any science community. The cryptid has been discovered to be part of the tales of the ancients’ time, and the mythology about the existence of...

Words: 1551

Pages: 6

The Importance of Animal Rights

My philosophical values on animals is based on the idea that animals are an important part of nature, and nature is an essential participant in the process of creation and co-creation of the universe. Animals should be protected if the ecosystem is to be sustained (Gruen, 2011). Thus, humans have...

Words: 327

Pages: 2

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