Comparing Cats and Dogs

Similarities between Cats and Dogs

For this particular discussion I am going to compare and contrast in detail the similarities and differences that exist between cats and dogs. First, we shall discuss the similarities. The most obvious similarity is the fact that both animals have hair on their body meaning that they belong the mammal kingdom. Secondly, both these creatures are domesticated meaning that they can be kept as pets. Thirdly, both cats and dogs have territorial instincts. Cats will mark their perceived territories while avoiding crossing boundaries into another cat's area unless necessary dogs on the other hand exhibit very distinctive territorial traits for example they will urinate in certain strategic positions therefore marking their territories.

Common Traits of Cats and Dogs

Despite the fact that these animals may be kept as pets, they still possess they ability to survive in the wild. Cats and dogs are affectionate and bonding. If an owner shows love and affection towards these animals they normally reciprocate the love back. Both cats and dogs drink milk when they are young. They also give birth to multiple offspring at a go.

Differences between Cats and Dogs

There also exist some differences that exist between these two majestic animals. First, is about the species they belong to. Cats belong to the family of felines whereas dogs are canines. Dogs have 42 teeth whereas cats have 30 teeth. Cats can be able to jump or climb, this is advantageous because they are able to have more options when it comes to hunting or escaping danger. Dogs in contrast are earth bound and when threatened they tend to retaliate with aggression because of their limited ability to flee from a predator. Cats are loners meaning that they spend most of their times alone. Dogs in contrast are pack animals meaning that they operate in groups. Wild dogs catch their prey by running it down. Cats on the other hand creep up on their prey before catching it as a surprise. Dogs are therefore long distance runners while cats are sprinters.

Distinctive Characteristics of Cats and Dogs

Another difference that exists is with regards to the sound that they make. Dogs barks, howls or growls whereas a cat purrs or meows. The other difference is about their social status. Dogs tend to have ranks which are normally determined by their tails. When a dog raises its tail up over another dog, it denotes that it is of higher social class. In cats however the raising of tails is a show of happiness. Cats are nocturnal animals meaning that they operate even at night dogs in contrast are day animals. Dogs are considered to be scavenging carnivores. What this means is that although they are primarily carnivorous, dog can also be able to survive on plant material alone. Cats in contrast are mainly carnivores and cannot survive without eating some form of meat.

Additional Differences

Other very obvious differences between cats and dogs are; dogs are usually bigger than cats, dogs are somehow smarter than cats for instance in response to verbal commands. When one calls a dog by its name it usually comes to you unlike cats. Dogs can tolerate the lack of food for a longer duration of time in comparison to cats which easily burn their fat reserves. Cats tend to have retractable claws that are sharp and protected inside their toes dogs' claws in contrast are always extended and become blunt as a result of constant contact with the ground surface.

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