The idea of own-race bias effect has been a subject of research in the social science field. Many researchers have improvised different study analysis to understand the distinct elements that form the kind of biasness exhibited in the subject. Meissner " Brigham (2001) investigates this biasness concerning the memory of...
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When making decisions, people consider the available information in order to make a rational and complete reasoning. However, this is not always the case as there are some factors that come into play and affect the rationality of people’s thinking process. The mistakes that occur in the thinking process are...
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There have been concerns about poor academic performance among minority groups such as the African Americans and Hispanics. Issues of underrepresentation in standardized tests have emerged. Poor performance in the standardized tests may indicate that the student requires evaluation for stunted growth or learning disability. Minority groups fall victim and...
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It also refers to a state of no indirect or direct discrimination based on, race, nationality, gender or sexual orientation. Direct discrimination refers to when one is treated less favorably than another due to a comparison on the basis of race, gender or any other criteria. Indirect discrimination occurs when...
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Incentives change the status of a volunteer when they blur free choice. Therefore, when some individual feels compelled to participate in a study as a result of incentive, their volunteer status changes. An appropriate incentive should still not bind the volunteer to the project. It should act as a tool...
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The Concept of Bias and the False Consensus Effect The concept of bias has been identified and acknowledged by researchers. It is common knowledge that each single individual has biases. One of these biases is evident when individuals seek to conduct the role of the social psychologist. When a person is...
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The media has played an essential role in the history of the United States. People rely on media outlets for news and other important updates. Therefore, there is an implied commitment of trust between the news anchor or writer and his or her audience. For most of America s history,...
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The issue of media bias has been at the center stage of public talks for a long time now. It is a custom in which media in one way or another gives out stories which are one-sided or in a prejudiced manner. Different people have different perceptions and views on...
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Every day, every person gets a different opinion and attitudes towards the world around them. Our opinions about ideas, opinions, events, people or objects contribute in a great way in the way we live and socialize with each other. It is essential to learn about the different types of attitude...
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The rates of obesity have increased significantly in the recent past due to factors such as the sudden change of lifestyle and poor feeding habits(James et al, 2001 p,9). People rarely engage in physical exercises despite the poor diet. According to a recent report, people’s body mass index, which determines...
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Confirmation Bias is an aspect that is known to adversely affect personal judgement on given contexts. It is more or less a form of cognitive bias that is wrapped up in error of some sort. This form of bias can result from a number of factors that tore with the...
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The rates of obesity have increased significantly in the recent past due to factors such as the sudden change of lifestyle and poor feeding habits. People rarely engage in physical exercises despite the poor diet. According to a recent report, people’s body mass index, which determines whether a person is...
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