Evaluation Essays

An evaluation essay belongs to those examples of academic writing that deal with the analysis of provided judgments or those statements that an author believes to be either true or false. The majority of evaluation essay examples that you may encounter will be based around evidence or justification of a certain point. If there are counter-opinions, include them as well with an unbiased explanation and reliable peer-reviewed references. The trick is to examine the provided information and explain why it is valid and why it is important for backing up your thesis statement. Take time to browse through our evaluation paper samples to see what is considered good evidence and how to structure your assignment correctly.

Genetic engineering

Genetic modification is the effective use of modern molecular biology and technologies to introduce new and beneficial characteristics or superior traits into world beings. Gene science, according to Lindahl and Linder (2013), is a valuable instrument of a research method in which attractive qualities from a single organism's Deoxyribonucleic acid...

Words: 1506

Pages: 6

The Hip-hop Subculture

A subculture is a racial, geographical, economic, or social community that exhibits characteristics and behavioral behaviors that differentiate it from those within society. A subculture is a community that has attitudes and practices that vary from the main classes of a given culture; they have standards and ideals that differ...

Words: 1205

Pages: 5

how hip hop affects the society

Hip hop was created with the intention of uplifting, empowering, and illuminating the negative facets of culture as a driving force for social change. However, after several years and decades, these initial intentions have steadily disappeared. Musical artists have transformed the face of hip hop and rap around the world...

Words: 1452

Pages: 6

Technology is Causing People to be Disconnected, Lonely and Anxious

In terms of social interaction and ease of doing things, technology is one of man's greatest achievements. This has mostly occurred in the area of social media, where the advent of sites such as Facebook and Instagram has resulted in humans becoming more linked than ever before. Since major business...

Words: 3163

Pages: 12

Carpe Diem

For decades, humanity has adopted the philosophy of carpe diem. Since 23 B.C., a host of excellent literature authors have discussed the subject of carpe diem. Carpe diem is a concept that can be used in short stories, essays, lyrics, graduation addresses, and metaphysical writings. Carpe diem is a Latin...

Words: 2991

Pages: 11

Masculinity in “In Our Time” by Hemingway

Masculinity is described as the state or essence of being manly. Historically, manliness was considered to be natural for a man or male (Wedgwood 330). Ernest Hemingway wrote a vast number of novels, one of which is In Our Day, a collection of various stories that focuses on the subject...

Words: 1686

Pages: 7

The Lottery – Dangers of Unquestioned Traditions

Traditions are a people’s way of life. However, traditions pose a incredible danger to people if followed blindly except question by newer generations. The Lottery of Shirley Jackson is a testament to the bad unquestioned traditions which are heinous to the society and destroys its moral fabric. The Lottery is...

Words: 623

Pages: 3

English Language: Gerund

A Gerund: Definition and FunctionsA Gerund is described as the - ing form of a verb when it is functioning as a noun. As a verbal derivative, it can function as both a verb and a noun. When functioning as a verb, it is certified by an adverb and has...

Words: 1149

Pages: 5

Minority Groups and Society

Minority Agencies in the United StatesMinority agencies in the United States undergo marginalization where they are being pressed to the authority. The desires of the minority are overlooked and given less importance in the society, therefore, limiting their opportunities and capacity of survival. The criteria used to marginalize the minority...

Words: 687

Pages: 3

Against A Will

The Journey of Vincent FreemanThe next in line was Vincent Freeman, who marched majestically down the hallway into the boardroom. At the age of 24, Freeman was a tall man with a flat forehead and an arrogant expression on his face. He also had an athletic physique that most villagers...

Words: 1459

Pages: 6


Within the traditional intuition The paper focuses on addressing the nursing shortage as evidence-based practice. The current global nursing crisis is characterized by a widespread and potentially dangerous lack of trained and professional nurses who are critical to the care of individual patients and the community as a whole. Nursing is...

Words: 742

Pages: 3

Immigration Impact on America's social, economic, and political realms

Immigration is characterized as the movement of people from their home countries to countries where they are neither natives nor residents. They move in order to become permanent residents or naturalized citizens while still working as immigrant workers. Jens and Hopkins (532) identify an immigrant as a foreign national who...

Words: 4125

Pages: 15

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