Evaluation Essays

An evaluation essay belongs to those examples of academic writing that deal with the analysis of provided judgments or those statements that an author believes to be either true or false. The majority of evaluation essay examples that you may encounter will be based around evidence or justification of a certain point. If there are counter-opinions, include them as well with an unbiased explanation and reliable peer-reviewed references. The trick is to examine the provided information and explain why it is valid and why it is important for backing up your thesis statement. Take time to browse through our evaluation paper samples to see what is considered good evidence and how to structure your assignment correctly.

Hip-hop Intertwines Class, Gender and Race

Markedly, the hip-hop lifestyle is intricately intertwined with race, class, and gender. This argumentative essay looks into the context of them intertwining with the hip-hop culture. Moreover, it looks into the way hip-hop challenges people’s way of questioning and the ones responsible for the culture. In the past thirty...

Words: 1552

Pages: 6

Black Liberation

The movement for Black Empowerment in America has been through many stages that can be considered different and distinct. Black liberation has been a relentless fight for free African Americans, which began in the age of slavery, led to civil war, saw racial segregation outlawed, and led to the gaining...

Words: 1083

Pages: 4

Cree forms one of First Nation’s largest groups of people.

Cree is one of the largest groups of people in the First Nation. The bulk of their members live in Canada, and are based in North America. Any of these people live on Lake Superior to the north and west, Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan and the northwest regions. In the USA,...

Words: 799

Pages: 3

Multiculturalism and Diversity

The Importance of a Diverse Workforce The staff of a company is, of course, its most valuable resource. In the absence of individuals, organisations cannot exist. Thus, a human resources manager is responsible for hiring people from different backgrounds to create a pool of skilled individuals that can fulfill the various...

Words: 588

Pages: 3

social media ways of doing more harm

Social media ways to do more harm than goodOver the years, social media has transformed the way most people engage in mass media mode. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, and Instagram are more than good for young people in particular. Most of the reasons social networking sites...

Words: 306

Pages: 2

African Traditional movie: Ongka's Big Moka

The Kweika tribe in New Guinea which has a leader recognized as Ongka (big man) was the focus of the film. The willingness to give several gifts in Moka creating alliances and maintaining peace among tribes is what determines the authority of a man. To own uncountable wives and many...

Words: 579

Pages: 3

Are Criminals Rational Decision Makers?

Introduction There is apparently no single reward for all criminals in society. Owing to the psychological and emotional drivers, some individuals commit crime from a reasonable decision-making process while others commit crime. Therefore, an attempt to address this question by offering a yes or no in any sense will not be...

Words: 685

Pages: 3

Popular Media and Racial Discrimination

In the recent years, social media advertisements have experienced a variety of developments. The changes that have taken place are due to intense market competition. Companies develop different strategies for adequately marketing their products and growing their sales. Companies remained committed to advertising as the environment became technological. Today's technical...

Words: 1200

Pages: 5

Romantic Ballet

The lecture today delved into the origins and components of romantic ballet, a dance that started in the 19th century. The lecture class concentrated on the roots of history, the reasons for its success and its debut by prominent actors. The purpose of ballet was to represent both art and...

Words: 264

Pages: 1

postmodern use of concepts in “City of Glass”

Postmodernism in Literature Postmodernism in literature includes, among other aspects, the use of inconsistency, ambiguity, and the difference in the development of narratives. Obviously, Paul Auster's "City of Glass" rebuffs and courtesy the realism and builds itself around coincidences, doubles, and superimpositions. It also combines the postmodern themes of intertextuality, metaphysical...

Words: 683

Pages: 3

Review of Art Exhibition

Stuart Davis is one among America's first modern artist and considered by many the father of the popular culture . He began his work with the Ashcan school before shortly following the Europeans modernism. Davis had tons of determination to convey something from the American form of government and blend...

Words: 1175

Pages: 5


The Utopian Society in Sauk County The Utopian society will be founded in the district of Sauk. The district is located in Wisconsin State. Agriculture as the Principal Occupation Agriculture will be the principal occupation of the county in rural life. The region has also the main emphasis on the utopia of the...

Words: 962

Pages: 4

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