The Jerusalem Conference The Jerusalem conference was primarily organized to resolve the disagreements that had arisen in the first church of Antioch. The main conflicting issue was circumcision which some of the Pharisees believed that it is only through it that the Gentiles would be saved. The reason is that circumcision...
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Liberty is a term that has many definitions depending on the philosophers involved with no collective agreement on what it means. One of the well-known definitions is Isaiah Berlin’s “Two Concepts of Liberty,” whereby he distinguishes between what he referred to as positive and negative liberty (Berlin, 1959). According to...
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‘Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains.' These are the words of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his theory of the social contract. It means that freedom is not an obvious thing for a man. How then do you untie yourself from the chains of the world? It is...
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In my opinion, social media posts should not be a basis for firing employees In my opinion, I do not think what an employee posts on social media platforms such as Facebook should be a basis for them being fired. Social media platforms are channels through which people vent and let...
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How Would you Feel and What Would You Do, if Your Freedom of Religion or Freedom of Speech Were Taken Away? According to the First Amendment to America's constitution, every citizen has a right to speech provided that whatever is said does not infringe on another person's freedom and rights. Besides,...
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‘Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains.' These are the words of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his theory of the social contract. It means that freedom is not an obvious thing for a man. How then do you untie yourself from the chains of the world? It is...
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Freedom of Speech Freedom of speech entails the regulations and laws that grant a citizen or people of a given country the right to talk openly. In nearly all cases, democratic nations allow their citizens to express opinions and ideas freely, albeit to a certain level, without infringing other person's rights....
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Vietnam has battled over the years to maintain its freedom from invaders like China, France, and Japan who sought to rule the country by colonizing it. Vietnam had been ruled by China for a considerable amount of time, which led to China having an impact in most areas of Vietnamese...
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Freedom and Constraint Freedom is the ability to communicate one's thoughts and act as one sees appropriate. We do have personal freedom, but it is severely constrained and controlled by particular socioeconomic and political climates, as stated in the quotation. As a result, freedom is an illusion because one's choices are...
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Reconstruction Phase (1965 - 1877) Reconstruction took place between 1965 and 1877. The reconstruction phase has been judged to have been successful. Reuniting North and South Following the Civil War's division of the South's 11 states, the North and South were brought back together during the rebuilding era. The United States' peace was...
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A person should have the freedom to end their pain if their quality of life is unbearable because it is a fundamental human right. Legalizing assisted suicide enables a capable person to take his own life with the advice and assistance of a medical professional by receiving the prescription for...
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The American Dream and Media Effect The American dream is a set of principles that includes freedom, chance for family upward social mobility, and prosperity attained through hard work. Rights, equality, liberty, democracy, and opportunity are part of this group of principles. The media is the most recent obstacle to the...
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