Essays on Social Problems

Social Housing and Poverty in the United Kingdom

Housing is an essential basic need. Assessing housing needs considers three issues which are its affordability, overcrowding, and amenities available. Social housing is a project in the United Kingdom that lets houses at an affordable price to the people who are in need. It is a diverse part of the...

Words: 1661

Pages: 7

The Role Played by Social Workers in Assisting Children Subjected to Domestic Violence

Domestic violence refers to various forms of abuse between married or intimate individuals. The term has also expanded to include emotional, sexual, physical, financial, and psychological harm imposed by one person to another in a close relationship (Anon, 2007). Over the years, the term has also expanded to include physical...

Words: 4829

Pages: 18

Intergroup Relations and Communication Strategies

Social psychologists often ensure that groups achieve different required objectives in the required time and with which they were formed for. Therefore as groups constitute different members, there is often need to employ different tools to foster intergroup relations which are key towards working in unity towards fulfilling those particular...

Words: 944

Pages: 4

Social Structure in Sociology

Social Structure in Sociology Social structure in sociology implies the difference in class of people regarding economic status, job groups and race. Variance in class in a society sometimes rises the social problems, for example, unemployment, racism, sexism and the illegal immigration. Many individuals’ understanding of the social problems dwells on...

Words: 1129

Pages: 5

The Social Constructionist Approach to Gender Bias

Social problems are prevailing conditions or perceived behaviors which have negative impacts on the wellbeing of the society at large. In other words, these adverse conditions and gaps between the expectations in the society and the reality in the society. Normally, the society tries to develop means by which it...

Words: 997

Pages: 4

Social Media

Recent times have witnessed an increase in the use of social media. Platforms such as Twitter and Facebook facilitate communication and interaction between individuals from different parts of the world. Social sites act as a meeting point for people with different backgrounds and goals in life. Primarily, social media sites...

Words: 927

Pages: 4

Effects of Poverty on Society

Poverty and its Effects Poverty may be defined as a scenario whereby an individual is incapable of affording some of the necessities in life – such as food, clothes, and even good shelter. It is worth noting that the effects of poverty cannot be underestimated as it is one of the...

Words: 681

Pages: 3

Gender and Social Constructs

Gender over the years has been viewed as a social construct across a variety of cultures worldwide. In the past, gender has been used to differentiate between male and female sex. Gender is a way in which the society assumes different roles. The roles of the people that are described...

Words: 2464

Pages: 9

The United States Racism

The Issue of Racism in the United States The United States is one of many nations that still faces prejudice as a problem. Despite the fact that racism is illegal, minority groups in the United States continue to experience racism on the receiving end of it. In fact, there are reported...

Words: 1179

Pages: 5

The juvenile court system

The Juvenile Justice System The juvenile justice system was established primarily to protect children from the damaging punishments that are visible in the criminal courts. The tribunals were intended to be distinct from those that dealt with adults. The young people were given a lot of attention in order to address...

Words: 1033

Pages: 4

Teen pregnancy

In our present social environment, teen pregnancy is common. An increasing number of the younger population in schools are dealing with the rise of early sexual encounters, unintended pregnancies, and numerous pregnancy-related challenges. The majority of the time, these issues don't arise voluntarily; instead, they take the form of loss,...

Words: 608

Pages: 3

Criminal injustice in Argentina

Argentina is rated third in both South and North America for criminal injustice due to its low rate of incarceration. The US has the highest incarceration rate in the globe when compared to Argentina. The cause is not America's focus on all criminal cases, but rather the large number of...

Words: 2032

Pages: 8

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