Exploratory Essays

This type of writing is a little bit tricky because it does not stand for any explanation of a certain process but aims to keep your reader interested by posing an analytical exploration. As you will see from our essay examples, you must examine various problems that talk about a certain idea or an experience that you had to let your readers understand your paper. It is not always backed up with a list of sources, yet some paper samples do so only to avoid plagiarism risks. Still, there is no need to support your thesis this way since the task is to provide your unique exploration of a topic. Another important aspect that you will notice in every essay sample is the lack of criticism or bias, which is also important.

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

Certain responsibilities and compliance requirements affect federal subcontractors as part of a business relationship between the federal government and federal contractors. More specifically, the government subcontractors must adhere to the ban on discrimination based on a protected veteran's status, gender, race, religion, country, color, or other characteristics. Affirmative action and...

Words: 846

Pages: 4

Hamlet and Horatio’s Relationship

Shakespeare wrote his drama Hamlet between the years of 1601 and 1603. The themes of death, love, friendship, and betrayal are central to the drama. Hamlet, King Claudius, Polonius, Queen Gertrude, Ophelia, Horatio, and Laertes are the play's major characters. (Shakespeare and Alan, 1). The drama centers on Hamlet, a...

Words: 1715

Pages: 7

Role of the Religious Leaders in the Society

Religion and its Impact on Moral Lives Religion has a significant impact on how people live moral lives and provides guidance for doing the right thing in society. The church's religious leaders must therefore set the finest possible examples for the general public to follow and have faith in. There are...

Words: 1559

Pages: 6

Pros and Cons of Technology in Higher Educational Context

Currently, one of the most useful tools we have available for our everyday lives is technology. In this new digital era, everyone around the globe is embracing technological tools. These instruments include computers, tablets, and smartphones, among many other things. The majority of transactions, including paying expenses, conducting research, and...

Words: 1934

Pages: 8

What inspired Sophocles to write the plays he did and what lessons did they teach?

scholars from antiquity acknowledging Sophocles employs a number of both small and significant dramatic innovations. One of his later innovations is the use of various pictorial props or other "scene paintings" to define the environment or location. (Segal 46). Sophocles might have increased the choir line's size from 12 to...

Words: 1654

Pages: 7

Cure Yourself of Tree Blindness

The Lack of Understanding about Forests The author worries about how little people in America understand about forests. He is agitated by their lack of interest in forests and the natural world in general, despite their high intelligence. He made the decision to write about science and the environment in addition...

Words: 931

Pages: 4

A self-fulfilling prophecy

A self-fulfilling prophecy is characterized as a belief that a circumstance will occur, particularly when the person involved will act in a way that supports the prediction. The prophecy is guided to come true either directly or tangentially by behavior and belief. Most of these prophecies can be found in...

Words: 307

Pages: 2

Female Rappers Reclaiming their Sexuality - A New Brand of Feminism

The main pre-writing technique for this essay is the use of the Six Journalistic queries. The artists who perform in the rap genre serve as the main players in this essay. The feminine artists will be the primary subject of this essay. Rap music consumers are secondary actors because they are integral...

Words: 2010

Pages: 8

Being an international student in the United States

Due to the slight misconceptions held by the locals, it can be difficult to be a foreign student in the United States. I have been dying for so long to study at an American center of distinction in order to reach my full academic potential. The chance arrived sooner than...

Words: 838

Pages: 4

Comparison of My Protein Requirements to That of the Atkins Diet.

The Atkins diet is low in carbohydrates and high in protein, and it must be followed correctly if you want to lose weight effectively. The Atkins plan has four main phases, and if followed incorrectly, the weight loss may be delayed. Nutritionists advise me to adjust or rather change the...

Words: 619

Pages: 3


A commentary is a remark or statement on a particular subject or problem. It is acceptable for the individual conducting the analysis to express their personal views on the subject at hand. For instance, a commentary on land law is a criticism of the law based on the commentator's own...

Words: 651

Pages: 3

Now You See Me Movie

This research study's main query is: How do criminology studies and crime movies relate to one another? The solution is actually quite straightforward: criminology is simply the study of crimes and criminals in general, and this implies that movies can be used as the main learning resource for the study...

Words: 1183

Pages: 5

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