Essays on Life

Your life essay may tackle questions about the origin and essence of life, which have become the subject of human interest in the desire to understand the world and determine the human place in it. Life essays explore all kinds of interesting topics regarding life. Bat what even is life? Many definitions were given over the centuries, but they all fall short when trying to explain this complex matter. Essays on life feature multiple different definitions of life. A good definition of life describes it as active maintenance and reproduction of a specific biological structure, which requires the expenditure of energy. Life goes hand in hand with growth and change. You can find many other definitions of life by looking through our samples of essays on this topic. Below you can find our life essay samples that will guide you through your work on an essay about life.

About Guy de Maupassant

Guy de Maupassant: The Founder of Short Story Literature Guy de Maupassant is a prolific French writer who has been active since 1880. He is widely regarded as the founder of short story literature. He was also selected to reflect the Naturalist writers' institution. His tales are distinguished by his effortless...

Words: 1097

Pages: 4

Lulu’s Fairy Tale

Lulu's Dream Lulu was a peasant girl who lived in a small town once upon a time. Lulu was different from the other children. She'd miss baley classes only to go for a stroll through the woods. She liked sailing and promised her mother that one day she would sail to...

Words: 858

Pages: 4

Should Prostitution Be Legalized

Prostitution is a very controversial topic that has been the focus of heated debate in countries all over the world for many years. To this day, sex work remains one of the world's oldest occupations. For the longest time, society has stigmatized and condemned prostitution, seeing it as dishonorable, despicable,...

Words: 2783

Pages: 11

History and future of unions

Workers' unionism arose as a result of the desire to form a unified front in order to advocate for better working conditions. The majority of the early unions concentrated on workplace wages and working conditions. Employers were originally opposed to trade unions, but this did not prevent employees from banding together....

Words: 1548

Pages: 6

Gift Giving

Gift Giving and its Cultural Significance Gift giving is the practice of exchanging goods, especially during a ceremony that may be gratuitous or intended to reinforce social and economic relations. Different cultures within communities have developed transaction structures, but every community values the element of free gifting that is unaccompanied by...

Words: 968

Pages: 4

Adoption and Success of Fascism in Italy and Germany

The First World War has significant consequences for European governments and economies. The destruction caused by this war sparked the creation of a major political shift that spread through Europe. The philosophy of fascism was a revolutionary idea that was developing in a number of European democracies. Fascism seemed to...

Words: 1237

Pages: 5

After reading The Conscience of a Conservative

Conservatives' Values and Commitments Since reading The Conscience of a Conservative (2007), one can infer that conservatives hold certain values that are correct and lead to the improvement of the ethical norms of society's members. Conservatives' commitments also compel them to express acceptable liberal positions on community issues. Liberals' Focus on Economic...

Words: 588

Pages: 3

Why Fairy Tales Stick, Jack Zipes argues that fairy tales are meme

In his novel, Why Fairy Tales Stick Jack Zipes claims that fairy tales are memes or units of knowledge that are culturally repeated and that these tales have coevolved with humans' increasing ability to distinguish. He claims that fairy tales are polygenic natural artifacts, which means that they are a set...

Words: 628

Pages: 3


Relativism Relativism refers to the different approaches to arrive at a decision. Kuhn contends that there are no independent standards focused on particular knowledge or reality that assist in making a reasoned judgment. Instead, rational judgments are influenced by socioeconomic, societal, and historical factors, leading to relativism. Kuhn's View on Scientific Theories Kuhn...

Words: 648

Pages: 3

why youth join gangs

Since the dawn of time, gangs have dominated the streets. Ideally, gangs are still synonymous with brutality because of the competition for dominance over other gangs that might attempt to dethrone them, which has always culminated in the loss of lives. Young children who were meant to live a long...

Words: 1167

Pages: 5

a big lie

It was only later that I realized it was all a huge lie. For all those years, I thought he was gone for good. I knew at the back of my mind that we would never see each other again. As a result, I spent those months weeping alone in my...

Words: 1699

Pages: 7

Jack London's “To Build a Fire”

To Build a Fire, by Jack London, describes a man's trip through a brutal winter in the snow, facing many problems along the way. The author employs characters, themes, and a blunt tone in the narrative to expose man's battle against nature. Similarly, in general, human beings do not trust...

Words: 660

Pages: 3

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