Descriptive Essays

It is a common essay type among the various university courses because such a paper aims to provide readers with a detailed description with the use of technical terms, real-life examples, similar research projects, or even literary techniques like metaphors and allegories. You can check our essay examples as a reference to get a basic idea. Remember that each essay sample is only a starting point with a structure and a list of suggestions, yet you can see how it works in practice. Feel free to check more than one descriptive paper sample to compare different approaches and understand how descriptive narration is implemented from case to case. Likewise, you can use it to determine what is suitable for a particular topic and adjust your writing style accordingly.


Storm water administration is an integral part of site planning. Storm water administration aims at addressing the effects caused due to storm water runoff. In urban areas, storm water runoff is a common feature that may additionally have destructive consequences if not right addressed. Site planning is not only important...

Words: 2147

Pages: 8

Hurricane Katrina and the BP Oil Spills Federal Responses

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina happened and was the most destructive disaster in the history of the United States. The hurricane was large and strong and a catastrophic flood was associated with it. Hurricane Katrina's destruction exceeded other major disasters as the Chicago fire of 1871, Andrew in 1992 and the...

Words: 2580

Pages: 10


Christmas is the each year festival that commemorates the birth of Jesus observed on twenty fifth December as the cultural and religious celebration among billions of character around the globe. The fiesta evolved over two thousand years ago into the international secular and religious celebration integrating several pagan and pre-Christian...

Words: 561

Pages: 3

Division and Classification in Soccer

Soccer is the most universally diagnosed and popular sport across the globe. Unlike different types of sports such as athletics and basketball, soccer fields are not ample and easily accessible to many. However, it remains the most aggressive game. Different types of players play in soccer matches thereby contributing to failure...

Words: 824

Pages: 3

Book Review Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder

Tracy Kidder Meets Paul Farmer in Haiti Tracy Kidder is seated with Jon Carroll, an American Forces captain, at an army post in Mirebalais, Haiti, 14 days before Christmas in 1994. Carroll is told that he has visitors, one American friend, and four Haitians, as they are sitting. The American identifies...

Words: 637

Pages: 3

Saudi Arabia Culture

Saudi Arabia has a super-conservative society that is not only restrictive but rigid in law and religion in many respects. The women are at the finer edge of the social constraints of non-kin relationships with the other sex. Following marriage, after demanding a man's guardian she also favors the woman...

Words: 1361

Pages: 5

Reflection on The Process of Site Planning

A dog park: An Overview A dog park is a park where dogs can play off-leash and exercise in a contained surroundings under their owner's supervision. Dog parks in the neighborhood have increased over the final few years due to the number of human beings owning pets having increased. These parks...

Words: 308

Pages: 2

Management of a Coniferous Forest

Conservation and Utilization of Forests Conservationists connect a lot of values on existence and bequest uses of the forest, while utilitarian maintain that forests should be conserved for their benefits to human. Conversely, administration of forest is only justifiable if there are no significant costs involved. In order to ensure that...

Words: 412

Pages: 2

A Comparison of The New M&T Stadium and The Old Memorial Stadium in Baltimore

The United States' Memorial Stadium in Baltimore, Maryland was a home to the Baltimore Ravens between 1996 and 1997, the Baltimore Colts from the year 1954 to 1983, the National Football League (NFL) team, as nicely as the Major-League Baseball's Baltimore Orioles between 1954 and 1991 (Eggener, 2012). The Baltimore...

Words: 2444

Pages: 9

The Life Lessons Soccer Has Taught Me

Soccer: A Love and a Lesson Soccer is a very popular sport. Millions of individuals play this sport and twice as many individuals are supporters and fans. Watching matches with my dad on TV and also following him to watch live matches between local teams is the earliest memory I have...

Words: 493

Pages: 2

Bruce Nauman's Life

Bruce Nauman was an American who was born on 6th December 1941. His works are artistic, protecting photography, printmaking, video, sculpture, and performance. He has received some awards due to his works, some of them being: Larry Aldrich Awards, Golden Lion at 53rd Venice Biennale. His work was diverse, with...

Words: 1778

Pages: 7

fairy tales chasing

Why did the seven-year-old Fulmore think she was being mistreated to the point that she felt forced to flee on a daily basis? Her father and mother all worked full-time, and their hectic lives prevented them from doing everyday house chores. As a result, Fulmore and her elderly sister were...

Words: 1272

Pages: 5

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