Descriptive Essays

It is a common essay type among the various university courses because such a paper aims to provide readers with a detailed description with the use of technical terms, real-life examples, similar research projects, or even literary techniques like metaphors and allegories. You can check our essay examples as a reference to get a basic idea. Remember that each essay sample is only a starting point with a structure and a list of suggestions, yet you can see how it works in practice. Feel free to check more than one descriptive paper sample to compare different approaches and understand how descriptive narration is implemented from case to case. Likewise, you can use it to determine what is suitable for a particular topic and adjust your writing style accordingly.

Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular Dystrophy: An Inherited Condition Muscular dystrophy is an inherited condition that makes muscles weaker and less flexible over time. It is caused by a problem with one of the genes that make proteins that keep muscles strong and healthy. There are more than 30 different types of muscular dystrophy, and...

Words: 517

Pages: 2

What is Pay to Play?

Pay to play in entertainment Pay to play (sometimes referred to as P2P or pay-for-play) is an umbrella term used for a variety of situations in which money is exchanged for services or the privilege to engage in certain activities. The sports analogy frequently arises, but the basic principle is that...

Words: 555

Pages: 3

Community Social Services Essay

Distinct definitions of community Distinct scholars have identified different definitions of community. Ideally, academic definitions of community have taken into account various ideologies and schools of thinking. The majority of the time, communities have been defined as a collection of people who have a common interest (Cordner, 2014). But by presuming...

Words: 372

Pages: 2


Friends can be a Hassle Friends can occasionally be a hassle, especially if you have internal difficulties (David, 1992: 142). Friendship in College In college, Cynthia was a good friend of mine. Like regular close friends, we enjoyed going to the movies, singing along, taking long drives, and attending parties. We both had...

Words: 366

Pages: 2

political pundit

Introduction Every political commentator and even casual onlookers appear to support this proposition. Everyone seemed to believe that the government is dysfunctional and that something must be done to remedy the issue. Partisanship and Legislative Challenges There appears to be so much hatred and partisanship in Washington that legislators are unable to pass...

Words: 2943

Pages: 11


Russia has undertaken a media, economic, financial, and military campaign against Ukraine. Since the beginning of these conflicts in 2014, over 5,500 Ukrainians have died, and the scale of the humanitarian crisis is growing by the day. Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a military assault on the grounds that the...

Words: 3706

Pages: 14

The First World War

The First World War arose for a variety of reasons, some of which have been highlighted by political analysts. Some say it was because of Germany's ambition to control Europe; others say it was because of rivalry between European nations; and still others say it was because of the formation...

Words: 658

Pages: 3

About Terrorist Attack

Critical infrastructure is defined as all vital procedures related to the community's health, security, or well-being. They are involved in water supply, telecommunications, agriculture, and electricity, among other things. These are necessities that the community can live without, but their absence has disastrous repercussions. Terrorism has become a more serious...

Words: 909

Pages: 4

Alexander Sergeevich Galushka

Russian public personality and government official Alexander Sergeevich Galushka. This essay examines his life critically, including his family, employment history, political views, and projected role in Russian politics and government. The village of Klin is located in the Moscow region, and on December 1st, 1975, Alexander Sergeevich Galushka was born. His...

Words: 1306

Pages: 5

The Political System

The Bundestag, the lower house of parliament, is chosen through a complicated electoral process in Germany. The voting process combines the advantages of both proportional and direct representation while also guarding against historical election errors in Germany that resulted in political splintering during the Weimer Republic between World Wars I...

Words: 2356

Pages: 9

New York

New York is regarded as one of the world's largest cities, not just in the United States of America. It is the largest city in the USA and is home to more than 8 million people of various racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. The high cost of rent or the...

Words: 2120

Pages: 8

Case Study: The Case of the Missing Raise

When Marsha was not given her fair part of the wage increase She felt misled by Fred. As can be seen, she was the greatest and top performer when it came to presenting papers and receiving positive feedback from the students. She deserved the greatest compensation because she was the only...

Words: 572

Pages: 3

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