Descriptive Essays

It is a common essay type among the various university courses because such a paper aims to provide readers with a detailed description with the use of technical terms, real-life examples, similar research projects, or even literary techniques like metaphors and allegories. You can check our essay examples as a reference to get a basic idea. Remember that each essay sample is only a starting point with a structure and a list of suggestions, yet you can see how it works in practice. Feel free to check more than one descriptive paper sample to compare different approaches and understand how descriptive narration is implemented from case to case. Likewise, you can use it to determine what is suitable for a particular topic and adjust your writing style accordingly.

Field Experience and Practicum

Lesson Observation Log for Field Experience and Practicum Non-certified teachers complete a total of 15 logs Certified teachers complete a total of 8 logs Student Name: Touro Student ID: School: Date:12/12/2017 Class:Grade:2 Subject:Math Type of Class (General/Special Ed/Inclusion): Lesson Topic: Two-Dimensional Shapes Cooperating Teacher: Students should be able to recognize and name shapes based on the number of vertices and sides by...

Words: 525

Pages: 2

Desert's Water

Introduction Since the weather in the region is normally dry, the Arches Region of Utah is considered the driest region of a dry country. Since the Arches Region of Utah is a desert, it is a popular tourist destination. The harsh conditions and lack of water, however, turn off the majority...

Words: 1143

Pages: 5


In the community, health and social care practices play an essential role. Individuals are affected by a variety of conditions and are required to seek help. Caregivers who provide health and social care services must follow the principles of practice and understand procedures to protect their clients' well-being and safety....

Words: 1367

Pages: 5

Fermentation Paper

Fermentation is a metabolic process that transforms sugar into alcohol, gases, and acids, among other things. To manufacture fermentation products, fermentation bacteria use organic molecules as the final electron acceptor (Katz 2016). The bacteria are primarily responsible for the metabolic process that initiates the fermentation process (Pothakos, Illeghems, Laureys, Spitaels,...

Words: 362

Pages: 2

Patient Safety Paper

Brianna Cohen's Case Study Brianna Cohen, a young girl who was recovering from a bone marrow transplant but died due to an improperly mixed intravenous solution that caused her heart to stop, is the subject of the case study. The girl was given a potassium solution that was five times the...

Words: 1207

Pages: 5

What are the "funds of knowledge"

What are "funds of awareness," and how do teachers make use of them? What are some examples? The response is: Individual knowledge acquired over time and established by a culture that enables him to perform household tasks or individual works for well-being is referred to as a fund of knowledge (Moll,...

Words: 522

Pages: 2

Tim Harford, The Undercover Economist

The Undercover Economist is an Economics classic written by Tim Harford, an English economist, and writer. It was first released in the United Kingdom by Little, Brown in November 2005. The book provides critical notes on economic values such as business failures, globalization, and foreign exchange. The first chapter, titled ‘Who...

Words: 2321

Pages: 9

Ethan brand

Ethan Brand: An Abortive RomanceEthan Brand is a chapter of an Abortive Romance. Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a short story called The Scarlet Letter. Ticknor, Reed published it in 1850, and Fields published it in 1852. The story was written in The Snow-Image and Other Twice-Told Tales, the author s last...

Words: 1237

Pages: 5

review of criminal justice book

The Westies: Inside New York s Irish MobEnglish s Inside New York s Irish Mob takes the reader through the past of the Westies, one of the gangs founded in the 1960s. The name was assigned to a gang of Irish mobsters operating in Hell s Kitchen from the 1960s...

Words: 874

Pages: 4

Failure of the Strategic Hamlets Program

IntroductionBetween 19961 and 1963, the Vietnamese government implemented the Strategic Hamlets Program as the central strategy for the pacification of South Vietnam. The first step in putting the initiative into action was to separate the rural people from the Vietcong community guerrillas. The primary goal was to improve stability, social...

Words: 1002

Pages: 4

job redesign

According to Griffin (2007), job redesign frequently involves the many steps and procedures used by the organization to guarantee the efficacy of the restructuring of its members' tasks. Rearranging the member's obligations is necessary to promote both their development and motivation. Through job rotation, job enrichment, and job expansion, this...

Words: 913

Pages: 4

Water Sustainability and Conservation

The Importance of Water Conservation and Sustainability The topic I talked about was water, and it was based on the interview I conducted in accordance with topic six's instructions. The interviewee raised the issue of water conservation and sustainability, and this paper discusses possible answers.Solar-Powered Water Purifiers as a Solution Utilizing solar-powered...

Words: 619

Pages: 3

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