Review Essays

Most importantly, remember that a review essay paper is not only a summary or retelling of what the book or an article contains. The general writing pattern to follow is an introduction, a brief reminder about the contents, information about the author, critical discussion, and a conclusion that talks about your opinion. See our essay samples to see the share of each essay portion and the correct structure in practice. In most cases, about 60% of your writing must belong to the critical discussion part. Take your time to examine our essay examples that include references to the original article to see what parts have been taken for analysis and how exactly it has been implemented in every paragraph.

fahrenheit 451 symbolism

Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451 depicts a society in which books are seen as an enemy of the people. In this sense, Bradbury employs symbolism as a literary and stylistic aspect to support and provide further insight into the book's main themes without explicitly promoting the author's view. A. Fire as a...

Words: 3176

Pages: 12


Beowulf: A Legendary Geat Chief and Heroic Warrior Beowulf, an Anglo-Saxon and a great warrior in the land of Geats and Danes, is the protagonist of the poem. He is portrayed as a legendary Geat chief and an outstanding character of great courage in the poem. Without a doubt, the scene...

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Pages: 3

Australia's Youth Unemployment

Australia's Youth Unemployment After the Great Recession, unemployment has risen. Underemployment and long-term jobs have also risen. Young people have done worse in the labor market since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) than the older population. In Australia, youth unemployment and NEET rates have appeared to be lower than in much...

Words: 1255

Pages: 5

Avatar Movie Review

The specialization of exceptional species to specific ecosystem is a key mechanism that supports the survival and maintenance of unique organisms in the tropical rainforests. In the case of single species or groups of organisms, the differentiation mechanism of niches is very evident, and many studies associate tropical woodland flora...

Words: 751

Pages: 3

my literacy journey turning point

My Introduction to Literacy My family is packed with language and literature lovers, from my parents to my brothers. One may be forgiven for thinking that I was interested in improving my reading skills from a young age. As many individuals who have had a variety of life experiences, most views,...

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Pages: 5

Conspiracy Theory

A conspiracy theory and its characteristics A conspiracy theory is a detailed interpretation of a certain circumstance or occurrence that primarily invokes conspiracy thinking without a warrant. Conspiracy theories are typically based around illicit and dangerous acts carried out by influential individuals or regimes. They primarily build or are proud of...

Words: 836

Pages: 4

My Personal Hero Story

Introduction It was not a childhood ambition of mine to become a clinical nutritionist and sports psychologist. In reality, I was always intrigued by interior design as a kid. However, when I first started studying, I respected my teachers, and as a result, I fell in love with education. Every day,...

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Obasan by Joy Kogawa

Obasan by Joy Kogawa Obasan by Japanese-Canadian author Joy Kogawa was first published in 1981 by Lester and Orpen Dennys. It recounts the internment and persecution of Japanese Canadians during the Second World War. In 2005, it was chosen as a One Book, One Vancouver selection. While it may not be...

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Pages: 4

An Analysis of My Antonia

An Analysis of My Antonia by Janet Cardiff The protagonist Antonia gives birth to a child that she does not consider to be legitimate. However, she does not hide this fact from society and does not fulfill the expectations of her peers. Instead, she openly displays her illegitimate child in front...

Words: 734

Pages: 3

The Lais of Marie De France Essay

The Lais of Marie de France The Lais of Marie de France are short narrative Breton poems composed by the French queen, which are believed to have been written in the late 12th century, between 1155 and 1170. They are a good example of a French courtly epic, as they are...

Words: 962

Pages: 4

Elysium Movie Review

The first installment of this political fable is titled Elysium, and the movie is set in Los Angeles in 2154. The city itself resembles a massive slum, complete with brutal robots keeping the rabble in line. Though the wealthy and powerful live there, they harbor a lot of bad will...

Words: 715

Pages: 3

Lewis Blackman and Helen Haskell Discuss MUSC's Lewis Blackman Tragedie

In this video, Lewis Blackman and Helen Haskell discuss the MUSC tragedy and how they have improved patient care. Both of them also discuss the controversial Epidural narcotics. MUSC doctors are under fire for allowing such dangerous practices. The victims blamed the doctor who administered them. After the shooting, the...

Words: 709

Pages: 3

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