Essays on Social Issues

Social issues essay defines the subject as problems and situations that directly or indirectly affect a person and society as a whole and require collective efforts to manage or overcome them. The term “social issue”, which appeared in Western European thought in the early 19th century. As a subject of theoretical study, social problems first began to be considered in the United States when the American Social Science Association was formed in 1865, and many social issues essays elaborate on that. According to essays on social issues, some of the direst social problems of the modern world are obesity, smoking, inequality, loneliness (along with depression and suicide), crime, alcoholism, poverty, homelessness, violence, and abuse. Our social issues essay samples will let you cut back research time – just view essay samples below for extra information.

The World Trade Center

The World Trade Center and the 9/11 Tragedy The World Trade Center has been identified as the hub of business activity in the United States. The 9/11 tragedy is regarded as the worst terrorist strike on the United States of America (Silk, 2017). The World Trade Center disaster remains one of...

Words: 1441

Pages: 6

Indonesia's Overpopulation and Its Effects on Pollution

This paper investigated the environmental effects of overpopulation in Indonesia. With a population of over 263 million people, Indonesia is ranked fourth in the globe. Despite the large population that serves as a potential market for locally created goods, there is a high level of vulnerability to a variety of...

Words: 3259

Pages: 12

Underserved communities

Underserved Communities and the Nursing Corps Underserved communities are mainly found in vulnerable areas that have been ignored in terms of receiving adequate services and facing health equity inequalities. The purpose of the Nursing Corps clearly shows the goals of providing excellent services, improved health workstations, and health equity to all....

Words: 464

Pages: 2

The protest by NFL players

Via editorial and op-ed writings in newspapers, NFL players protest by kneeling during the national anthem has elicited equal amounts of sympathy and condemnation from opinion shapers and the general public. Those who oppose kneeling argue that the players are not patriotic enough and do not respect the flag....

Words: 1447

Pages: 6

Blood Wedding

The tragic play 'Blood Wedding' by Spanish playwright Frederico Garcia Lorca. It was composed in 1932 and initially performed in Madrid in 1933, then later that year in Buenos Aires, where it is being played today. It belongs to the country tragedy genre. Feminism can be approached in 'Blood Wedding.' Feminism...

Words: 1751

Pages: 7

American Border Patrol

Anti-Immigrant Extremists Anti-immigrant extremists are those who oppose the movement of people into the country. The extremists work on their leadership structure and strive to decrease the number of immigrants entering the United States for various reasons. One of the organizations opposed to Mexicans entering the United States is the American...

Words: 611

Pages: 3


Terrorism is defined as the use of intimidation or violence to instill fear in a society in order to achieve a specific political goal. Terrorist acts by various terrorist organisations target locations of interest and may result in large casualties, primarily among civilians and terrorists themselves. Terrorist groups use various...

Words: 649

Pages: 3

Domestic Terrorism and Extremist Groups

The study's goal is to examine the present threat posed by extremist groups to national and international security. The article focuses on militant and diplomatic responses to cross-border terror acts. The research focuses on two known and lethal terror organizations, Al-Qaeda and ISIS. The study focuses on Al-Qaeda and ISIS's...

Words: 3158

Pages: 12

gender roles

Different societies assign different gender roles to men and women. Gender roles have long been a source of contention and differ greatly throughout cultures. Gender roles have also altered over time. Gender roles are differentiated by biological, cultural, and social constructs, among other things (Fisher 401-414). This study examines many...

Words: 1293

Pages: 5

Eye in the Sky Movie Review

Hood is the director of the film Eye in the Sky The film focuses on a joint operation by the British, American, and Kenyan militaries. There is a chain of command known as the kill chain (Dholly 1). All parties in the chain are watching as an operation against a terrorist...

Words: 1232

Pages: 5

illegal immigrants

This article addresses a sensitive issue with illegal immigrants in the United States and their labor rights while working in the country. The author highlights a chicken processing company called Case Farms, which has been in operation for many years, and the kind of horrible conditions that the corporation forces...

Words: 356

Pages: 2

relationship between the US labour needs and immigration policies

There is a link between the labor demands of the United States and immigration laws. This occurred after the national origin quota system was abolished and questions were raised regarding who should be permitted to join the country. The admittance of immigrants was based on the potential of the given...

Words: 590

Pages: 3

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