American history

The Puritan Course SchemeThe Puritan course scheme showed how closely faith and politics were intertwined in Massachusetts. The Puritan justice system dealt with a variety of offenses, including crimes against the clergy, such as witchcraft. Anyone who was strange or out of the ordinary was hated and branded as a...

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Segregation Laws

Following the Plessy vs. Ferguson ruling, the US Supreme Court legalized the Jim Crow system, and the segregation system was implemented in 1896. In fields such as housing, schooling, and transportation, the Jim Crow segregation scheme sought to separate White Americans and African Americans (Plessy v. Ferguson, n.d). Separate schools...

Words: 1553

Pages: 6

U.S. Supreme Court Case Summary

Susan Norwick and Tarja Dachinger were foreigners married to US citizens and living in the US in the case Ambach v. Norwick. They were entitled to apply for US citizenship due to their relationship, but they repeatedly declined. Both petitioners meet all of the educational standards and qualifications set out...

Words: 613

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The Supreme Court counts as the highest court of the nation in the United States

The Supreme Court The Supreme Court counts as the highest court of the nation in the United States Federal judiciary system. In the opinion of Article III of 1789, as in the Constitution of the United States, the Supreme Court was created. It has a primarily discretionary authority and is appeal...

Words: 625

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12 Angry Men Movie Review

In this film review, we'll talk about the arguments in 12 Angry Men, how the characters are developed, and the quality of the filming. What are our favorite aspects of the movie? We'll also discuss the film's quality and filming around a table, which is a unique feature of the...

Words: 721

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the fifth amendment

The Fifth Amendment and Its Protection The fifth amendment in the US Constitution concerns the protection of people from self-inflict. Although businesses are commonly considered entities, this amendment does not apply. The persons in the company are, however, shielded from self-incrimination by amendment. In the other hand, this provision completely covers...

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Insanity plea

The plea of insanity has become a justification for legal rulings in favor of those who, after falsely committing serious crimes, are brought before the courts. In the case of Hinckley, who was the assassin of the then president of the United States of America at the time, being sent...

Words: 328

Pages: 2


The process of making and enforcing rules is referred to as the legal system. It explains how various kinds of laws are drafted and enacted in different countries and states. As a result, the Australian legal system represents how Australians live their lives following the rule of law. The Australian...

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Pages: 5

texas ruling and supreme court

The United States Supreme Court s Ruling on Gay Spouse Benefits The United States Supreme Court issued its opinion on a Texas decision concerning gay partners. It ruled that gays had no right to government-subsidized employment compensation. The decision was released on December 4th, 2017. The court, however, failed to reverse...

Words: 955

Pages: 4

Government of America

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, the protection of the fetus starting with the fertilized egg will be upheld by denying the notion that women are entitled to secrecy that protects them by abortion to terminate a pregnancy. They will then not have the right to continue, irrespective of whether...

Words: 326

Pages: 2

Yesterday, Now And Tomorrow Politics

In 1954, in the revolutionary case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka The Supreme Court of the United States of America revoked its decision. The verdict of the Court modified laws allowing separate but equivalent neighborhood amenities such as public schools to be allowed. The presence of independent facilities such...

Words: 640

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gay marriage vs. religious freedom

Religious Faith and Same-Sex Marriage Controversies in the United States On June 4, the Supreme Court ruled in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, siding with Mr. Philips, the baker who refused to serve a gay married man (Liptak). The case exemplifies the conflict that exists between religious faith and...

Words: 674

Pages: 3

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