Essays on First Amendment

Your First Amendment essay gives you a chance to explore how people’s rights were implemented. After the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the founding fathers of the United States set out to create a Constitution, but the document turned out to be flawed: it did not uphold personal rights. Most First Amendment essays follow the process of legal enforcement of human rights in detail. In 1791, ten amendments were released and called The Bill of Rights, which became an official part of the Constitution on December 15 that year. Our samples of essays on First Amendment showcase what rights were enforced in the First Amendment. The first amendment declared that people can not be denied free religion, assembly, speech, press, as well as the right to petition the US government. Review the best First Amendment essay samples below to improve your essay.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the United States Constitution

The Constitution of the United States of America came into force in 1789. At 229 years old, it is arguably the oldest Constitution still in use in the world today. Despite being the supreme law of the land, the sovereign power remains vested in the people of the United States...

Words: 1745

Pages: 7

Hate Speech

Free Speech and Hate Speech Free speech is considered as the freedom of communication for the people. It includes the liberty of the press and the people to say what they want/like and liberty for the people to assemble like protesting peacefully. Also, freedom of speech gives people the opportunity to...

Words: 950

Pages: 4

Where does the notion of a separation of church and state come from?

The Principle of Separation Between Church and State The US First Amendment prohibits Congress from passing laws that support an establishment of a specific religion, which is where the idea of a separation between church and state originated. (Van and Kurt 58). The federal government is required to uphold a position...

Words: 442

Pages: 2

Freedom of speech - a constitutional right

The Evolution of the Right to Free Speech The first amendment of the US constitution includes the right to free speech as a constitutional guarantee. The fundamental idea underlying the cry for free speech was to live without the fear of going to jail for expressing one s opinions. The constitution...

Words: 1811

Pages: 7

Mandatory Union Fees/Dues

The First Amendment is a legislation that was created that prohibits Congress from adopting laws regarding religious establishment. As a result, there was no restriction on the free exercise of religion, free speech, free press, and the right to congregate and petition the government for redress of people's grievances. (Russo)...

Words: 1759

Pages: 7

Freedom of the religious expression

The First Amendment's religion clause and freedom of religious expression The First Amendment's religion clause in the United States Constitution protects the freedom of religious expression. This clause states that a state may not pass legislation establishing a particular national religion (Durham, Ferrari, Cianitto, Thayer, 2016). As a result,...

Words: 327

Pages: 2

Political Science: The Constituional, Amendment, The Congress and Voting

The constitution of the United States, recognized as the supreme ruler of the United States, establishes the US government's national structure. The US constitution has had 27 amendments since its coming into force in 1789 ("This is in order to accommodate the evolving needs of the nation (the Constitution) from...

Words: 1469

Pages: 6

the bill of rights and civil liberties

The first amendment to the constitution is perhaps the most significant aspect of the constitution's bill of rights. The amendment guarantees five of the most basic rights, including religious freedom, free expression, free press, free assembly, and the right to lobby the government to redress wrongs. However, there are other...

Words: 1143

Pages: 5

The First Amendment on Religious Liberty

According to the first amendment, the law regards no religion, but allows its citizens to exercise their free will and practice any religion they want. In educational institutions, religious symbols are not referred to or taught except it is required, and its use should be scrutinized to determine if there...

Words: 855

Pages: 4

Law of Business

State Legislation on Children's Educational Programming State legislation states that the Federal Communications Commission should enact rules that will require tv stations to air children's educational programming at least three hours a week. The FCC has offered a limited justification for the imposition of such legislation. However, the majority of the...

Words: 672

Pages: 3

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