Persuasive Essays

The success of any persuasive paper is in influencing one’s target audience and explaining why some things are important and worth being investigated. As you can see from our free essay examples, persuasive writing may differ from critique reviews to those essays that deal with complex matters dealing with social problems or environmental challenges. Almost every essay sample that you may encounter will include a clear set of ideas that will range from the strongest to the less important ones. You must not forget about logic, especially if you want to persuade your readers that something you might talk about is more important than something else related to your essay.

about hotel sutainability

Advantages of Sustainability in the Hotel IndustryOver the last few decades, the hotel industry has shifted its attention to the advantages of sustainability in the hotel industry, both in terms of hotel service and growth, which involves social and economic consequences. Hotel sustainability is one of the most pressing challenges...

Words: 1310

Pages: 5

game simulation

Specific to business organizations operating in a global economyThe need to work with uncertainties in a fast-changing world while maintaining an advantage over rivals is crucial. Otherwise, the business will lose market share, sales, and could become unprofitable, contributing to its closure. Only management with well-developed expertise trained knowledge sources,...

Words: 1691

Pages: 7

Strengths and Weaknesses in a Publicly Traded Company

It will be difficult to continue making significant economic strides unless the strengths and shortcomings of Lockheed Martin Corporation are resolved. Furthermore, making the challenges transparent would aid in dealing with the market's current rivalry and increasing revenue. Introduction to the Lockheed Martin Corporation and how it was formed, beginning with...

Words: 3789

Pages: 14

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Economy

The United Arab Emirates The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is known as a federation of seven states. The UAE has risen economically as a result of global economic downturns and has become a significant economic hub in the Middle East. UEA is regarded as one of the most secular countries in...

Words: 1428

Pages: 6

About deficit spending

During difficult economic times It is normal for the government to invest more than it earns. As a consequence, there is a deficit or debt. As a result, drastic budget cuts are implemented around the board, impacting the whole region. A loss like this happens as unemployment rises, causing a drop...

Words: 918

Pages: 4

Compare the movie Norma Rae and Bread and Roses

Plot Similarities and Character Development When comparing the similarities in the plot lines of the two films, the directors begin by drawing our attention to these young women who are the main characters in the story. Maya in Bread and Roses finds it difficult to move from Mexico to the United...

Words: 1125

Pages: 5

Food in 2050

Foods available in 35 years would be different from those available today (Bne, 2013 p 156). Part of what people are accustomed to eating would become scarce, and the new diet could result in an additional half-million deaths each year. A recent Oxford University study forecasts agricultural and climate projections...

Words: 2019

Pages: 8

Cochlear Implant

A cochlear implant and its components A cochlear implant is a small and complex electronic aid that allows people who are profoundly deaf or have hearing problems to understand. The unit components are divided into two parts, one of which lies externally behind the ear and the other of which is...

Words: 782

Pages: 3

An Argumentative Essay on A Good Man is Hard to Find

Flannery O'Connor's "A Decent Man is Hard to Find"Flannery O'Connor's tale "A Decent Man is Hard to Find," published in 1953, is arguably based on what has become today's proverb "a good man is hard to find." Critically, one might say that O'Connor may have taken a special interest in...

Words: 1405

Pages: 6

Postcolonial Criticism to the Mosquito Coast by Paul Theroux

Mosquito Coast is about Allie Fox, a talented and brilliant character who has been able to reveal a variety of intriguing inventions. Allie's behavior and the way he treats his children are excellent examples of neocolonialism. He is unable to help his children transition to modern life, so he insists...

Words: 2218

Pages: 9

Technology and innovation have made romantic relationships more available.

Technology and Romance Technology and other advances have had a positive impact on love and romance. The way people communicate and converse with others in society has changed dramatically as a result of current technological advances, and dating is no exception (Hertlein, 64). People have been using technologies to extend their...

Words: 1292

Pages: 5

The Police Body-Mounted Cameras

Technology Advancements and Their Impact on Careers Technology advancements, especially the advent of cell phones and body cameras, are transforming almost every career in the world. A Smartphone allows you to capture incidents in real-time and upload them to the internet. Body cameras can also be used to capture incidents as...

Words: 1254

Pages: 5

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