Compare the movie Norma Rae and Bread and Roses

Plot Similarities and Character Development

When comparing the similarities in the plot lines of the two films, the directors begin by drawing our attention to these young women who are the main characters in the story. Maya in Bread and Roses finds it difficult to move from Mexico to the United States, but with new opportunities and new friends, her life seems to be coming together. All of this changes one day when Sam enters the picture and shifts Maya's perspective on life into a whole new dimension with its own set of challenges. Norma Ray is a human, much like Maya. She on the other hand has her life and that of others in the town, revolving around working in a factory. Her life however begins when one Ron Live man comes around to share information about the factory basic rights. Norma Rae is left wondering whether she will be able to stand up for herself and others when she has got everything to lose and as a lowlight, she doesn't have 'the values' as people perceive her to be the kind of woman that is drinking all over, jumping from one man to another and having kids with different men. Martin Ritt in Norma Rae and Ken Loach in Bread and Roses both Portray these two women to be vibrant, hardworking and confident and whose zeal is to fight for their rights and that of others around them.

Acting Styles and Time Setting

When comparing the acting styles and the time setting of the two movies, Norma Rae tends to stick to the old acting setting of the old American town majorly in the factory in the late 1970's. The dress codes and way of socializing is depicted to be traditional American. Bread and Roses on the other hand tries to portray a little modern kind of life style. It is a movie released in the year 2000. We see this when Maya moves from Mexico to USA and she has to embrace some aspects in terms of dressing and way of living that is a little modern as compared to one in USA in the 70's. The difference in terms of years in the two movies is approximately more than 20 years which brings a lot of advancements in the span of 20 or more years in terms of dress code, building structures, modes of transport or even speech, which places the two movies in two different time zones.

Differences in Directing Styles

The difference in comparison between Norma Rae and Bread and Roses in terms of directing can be clearly seen as discussed. Martin Ritt does a great work in directing the story written by Harriet Frank. He has an excellent choice of supporting cast and we can clearly see this from Norma Rae's supporting actor Ron Live man who can be seen in the factory with a checklist of the union. The movie tends to be preachy at some point but it is what constitutes basic character rights. Ken Loach on the other hand also does a good work of directing Paul Laverty written piece. However, the American film whose dialogue is in Spanish tends to leave the viewer's pending especially when the translation is not perfect. However, someone who can actually speak the language can grasp the feeling portrayed in relation to the performance. A little emotion is lost in between translation which is key for any movie direction.

Sound and Music

In regard to sound and music, in Norma Rae, it is done by David shire for music which he picks one of the best songs that wins an Oscar award and several other awards. The sound track such as "it's all wrong but it's all right", was unaccredited but still appealing. The fact that some of the songs were original made them fit culturally and historically with the movie performance in terms of significance. Richard Kite who was in charge of the sound tracks in the bread and roses movie, majorly based on union songs such as a song by James, as we go by marching in the beauty of the day. He also tends to capture the essence of music in the culture. Sound and music as a result play a major role in capturing the attention of a viewer and showing relation between different scenes in a movie. Poor sound tracks tend to make viewers lose interest on the same.

Transformative Moments and Cinematography

In terms of particular scenes in the two movies in regard to how directors publish the climatic or transformative movement, Norma Rae is seen in this particular scene when Mr. Mason tries to stop her but she is eager to finish what she started, she is asked to leave. In the next scene, she goes back to work instead of going home and is seen standing up holding a union sign in the factory which has an impact on other factory workers who stop working one by one until all machines are silent and join her. Right away you get the stigma around unions which occurred in the 70's. Ken Loach on the other hand creates a scene where people go on a demonstration as a group not an individual at a time as seen in Norma Rae. They go on the roads carrying posts demonstrating about their rights and in the next scene, one can see a solution has been derived.

Photography and Video Quality

Photography done in both movies is great; however, Merrick Morton in Bread and Roses does a better job in terms of clarity and exposure time of the video. He has also taken into consideration terms such as lighting in that the pictures captured are not too bright or too dull. There is also good video editing in the bread and roses movie compared to Norma Rae. John A. Alonzo on the other hand didn't put much emphasis on the light aspect of the video recording as some scenes tend to be dull compared to others. However, the motion filming of the entire movie was of good quality and not shaky.


In conclusion, both movies have a similar story line which entails women who at some point in their lives figure out that there is more to life than normal working to make ends meet and as a result become influential and vibrant in terms of fighting for their rights and that of the people around them. The two stories however differ in small aspects such as time setting, directing sound and even specific scenes.

Work Cited

Norma Rae.Norma Rae.N.p., n.d.Web.< Norma Rae.Watch free hppt:// 4a04-Norma-Rae-movie-online-free-putlocker.html#close-modal
Bread and Roses. N.p., n.d.Web.

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