Essays on Science

It is smart to start your science essay by providing a good definition of the subject. Science is a special type of human cognitive activity aimed at obtaining, substantiating, and systematizing objective knowledge about the world, a person, society, and cognition itself, based on which a person transforms reality. Science essays teach us that society needs science to explain complex, sometimes mysterious phenomena. Writing essays on science is a good way to acknowledge scientists – the most observant and inquisitive people, those who make discoveries, create new knowledge, and make it available to all mankind. Need help with your science essay? We listed some interesting science essay samples you should check out – you can find samples of essays we picked out below.

What is an Explorer?

Explorers Explorer is a word that means “a person who sets out to explore something or someone”. It is used primarily in reference to travel, however, it can also be used in a more general sense to describe people who seek new experiences.Funded by Governments An explorer is often funded by a...

Words: 541

Pages: 2

Different Types of Dog Breeds

Whether you’re looking for a dog to join your family or a companion to spend time with, it’s important to choose a breed that will fit your lifestyle. There are many different kinds of dogs, with each one having its own unique personality and needs. It’s also important to consider how...

Words: 520

Pages: 2

How to Teach Students About Density

Density: A Fundamental Physical Property Density is one of the fundamental physical properties that is essential to understanding many scientific disciplines including materials science and engineering. It is also used in everyday life to determine whether objects will float or sink.How to Measure Density The most common way to measure density is...

Words: 532

Pages: 2

Mrs. Ples Australopithecus africanus

The modern human is descended from ape-like creatures that evolved in complexity and structure over the course of time. One of the first known human ancestors, Australopithecus africanus lived between the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs between 3.3 and 2.1 million years ago. To the disapproval of the scientific community, Raymond...

Words: 755

Pages: 3

Mermaid: Science or Pseudoscience

The Existence of Mermaids The fabled accounts of the existence of mermaids, or other aquatic beings, are pseudoscience. According to legend, mermaids combine the characteristics of humans and fish. On the face, they are half human, and on the tail side, they are half fish. Since the literature on mermaids now...

Words: 659

Pages: 3

Archeologists Cahokia society

Archaeologists have been attempting to demonstrate social diversity in society through social difference. They attempted to demonstrate how these civilizations employed funerary practices to suggest the type of lives these deceased people led, as well as how the architecture of their homesteads revealed the disparities in social position and wealth...

Words: 1139

Pages: 5

About The Shallow in the Deep

The Jeffersonian crew and the Slave Ship Wreck The Jeffersonian crew is tasked with identifying the skeletons recovered from a shipwreck that was a slave ship headed for New Orleans in Bones' Season 6, Episode 6. The gang had the benefit of having the ship's manifest, which contained the vital information...

Words: 903

Pages: 4

Archaeological Field School

The Archaeological Field School at Weber State University focuses on historical events that occurred in the eastern Great Basin and Columbia Plateau. Dr. Brooke Arkushand's Weber State University students have been exploring various types of early rockshelters in the Skull Canyon drainage of eastern Idaho since 2012. Weber State University...

Words: 4866

Pages: 18

How Women Are Not Inferior To Men

In recent decades, society has positioned men as superior to women. Charles Darwin and other early thinkers and scientists believed that men and women differ biologically from one another. The inferiority of women was further exacerbated by cultural influences and societal roles. Women, however, battled for equality and rights in...

Words: 600

Pages: 3

Review on Africanist Archaeology and Ancient IQ: Racial Science and Cultural Evolution in the Twenty-First Century

This article is a research work on African Archaeology and Ancient IQ by Scott MacEachern, an associate professor of anthropology at Bowdoin College. Regarding Scott's primary research interests, he investigates the connection between human evolution in Africa and assertions that the continent has low average IQ scores. Philippe Rushton and...

Words: 789

Pages: 3

Flood Myth Busted

Aztec Religion A flood myth is a story in which a massive flood is typically delivered by gods in an effort to wipe out civilization. The floods usually come about as a result of punishment for disobeying certain orders. Some of the flood myths used to teach a lesson to people...

Words: 922

Pages: 4

Durkheim's Thesis on Social Solidarity

Emile Durkheim, a Frenchman, made enormous contributions to social science. Through his thesis, Durkheim went into great detail about how the division of labor in society affects society as a whole. Durkheim argues that a division of labor benefits society by increasing the potential for reproduction, enhancing worker competence, and...

Words: 1204

Pages: 5

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