Essays on Human Evolution

The Evolutionary Origin of Play in Human Development

Dissanayake, E. (2017). Ethology, Interpersonal Neurobiology, and Play: Insights into the Evolutionary Origin of the Arts. American Journal of Play, 9(2), 143-168.             This article journal explores the theory of evolution tenet of ethology. Ethology is the study of behavior based on social contexts and adaptive significance. According to the author...

Words: 1815

Pages: 7

Chauvet Cave: A Forgotten Tourist Attraction

Among those historic places in the world that are revered in the community include the Chauvet Cave. Unlike other sites, the cave has received little attention because of the health risks that are associated with visiting it. Although the cave is among those places that are recognized as tourist attraction...

Words: 380

Pages: 2

Nature Education essay

Scitable by nature education directs the website. This website covers the topic habitat loss, diseases, bushmeat hunting, climate change and future directions. What I like about the site is optimism, that although people endanger primates, the reducing human activities and increased human care such as disease prevention can avert more...

Words: 1770

Pages: 7

Evolutionary Adaptation in Humans

There is evidence that other species have adapted better to modern environments than humans. They colonize their new habitats and adapt to the changes in their environments than humans. In the modern age, people can eat processed foods because they are cheaper and accessible than healthier natural foods. Nutrition and...

Words: 893

Pages: 4

The Evolution of Hominins

The evolution of Hominins has been through a number of stages which are a major influence on skeletal changes. In all the stages, Hominin’s behavior was adapted to various modes of survival. Before the bipedal walking and the upright posture, the hominins practiced terrestrial quadrupedalism, Orangutan-like climbing, and suspension, monkey-like...

Words: 2791

Pages: 11

Enlightenment and Allegory of the Cave

During the eighteenth century, the term "enlightenment" was used frequently to refer to a morally upright and logical movement. Following human evolution through different reforms was its main goal. Plato conveys the idea that studying philosophy is the only way for a person to develop an appreciation of what is...

Words: 1702

Pages: 7

Clash between Our Genes and Modern Life is making us Sick

The Genome and its Imbalance Unexpectedly, humans have a hereditary predisposition. As a result of those vulnerabilities, a big proportion of us will die from intricate and complex diseases; the world we currently live in puts us at a high danger from them. Greg Gibson develops a modern, progressive premise in...

Words: 1298

Pages: 5

Mrs. Ples Australopithecus africanus

The modern human is descended from ape-like creatures that evolved in complexity and structure over the course of time. One of the first known human ancestors, Australopithecus africanus lived between the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs between 3.3 and 2.1 million years ago. To the disapproval of the scientific community, Raymond...

Words: 755

Pages: 3


The Neanderthals as Our Ancestors The fact that Neanderthals are part of our ancestors does not come as a surprise. They were the same size as humans and had almost identical morphological characteristics (Trinkaus & William 124). They, on the other hand, appeared to be shorter in stature but shared certain...

Words: 593

Pages: 3

How we changed as the World changed

The planet has been changing in a variety of ways over time. Before the human race appeared 65 million years ago, the world was inhabited by many animals, including the Mammoths. These species were among the world's largest Elephantidae and populated the prairie and tundra zones. This is an illustration...

Words: 2019

Pages: 8

Metaphysics and Axial Age

Robert N Bellah's narrative on faith in human evolution is remarkable and continues with the Big Bang before the first millennium of the Axial Period. The book is a product of life-long study by scientists who derived components from sociology, history, physiological and biological creation, as well as materials of...

Words: 1134

Pages: 5

Sperm Wars: New insights from evolutionary biology and eugenics

The idea of eugenics is still not comprehendible. The research journal Molecular Human Reproduction states questions that many people still ask like, why are two genders needed for reproduction? How come millions of sperm are produced by the males daily? Steve Ramm, a famous evolutionary biologist from Bielefeld University answers...

Words: 1111

Pages: 5

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