Essays on Red Cross

The International Committee of the Red Cross

The International Committee of the Red Cross The International Committee of the Red Cross actively supports conflict victims, strengthens and promotes humanitarian efforts, and raises awareness of universal values among its constituents. In the contemporary world, political violence and conflict have become all too common, affecting an increasing number of people...

Words: 621

Pages: 3


Jesse Willcox Smith Jesse Willcox Smith, a native of Philadelphia, studied at the Pennsylvanian Academy of Fine Arts, a school of designs for ladies. She was a Red Rose Girls member and a student of Howard Pyle at the Drexel Institute. She was hired by the American committee for public information...

Words: 1096

Pages: 4

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

The ICRC is a self-employed, neutral organization that offers humanitarian protection and aid to victims of armed conflict and other violence (ICRC, 2017c, para. 1). It responds to different crises worldwide and has an important role in upholding international humanitarian law. The roots of its work lie in the Geneva...

Words: 4751

Pages: 18

(ICRC) The International Committee of the Red Cross

The ICRC is a 'independent, impartial organization which provides humanitarian aid and support to victims of armed conflict and violence' (ICRC, 2017c, para. 1). It responds to different worldwide emergencies and is actively engaged in promoting international humanitarian law (Forsythe, 2007). The roots of its work lie in the Geneva...

Words: 4665

Pages: 17

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