Essays on Research

Reflection Essay on research project of application of digital technology in learning environment

In order to address the learning challenges that are present in contemporary society It was decided to conduct research on the subject of digital technology and its effects on learning. I now know that there are many issues and problems with digital technology, particularly those that relate to performance development. The...

Words: 2130

Pages: 8

Education in the United States Impacted of Poverty

Even though many people associate education with formal academic pursuits. Education is the process of gaining knowledge, whether formally or casually, whether it be in the form of skills, ideas, or facts. Consequently, taking classes and being in school are not the only components of education. However, the majority of...

Words: 2259

Pages: 9

Woman’s Role in Buddhism

Up until recently, there wasn t a lot of study on Buddhist women to be found. As women in Buddhism have changed the religion and played a crucial part, recent studies have concentrated on feminism research. When it comes to women s access to leadership roles, other religions like Judaism...

Words: 2428

Pages: 9


Theoretical Framework in Qualitative Research Theories offer nuanced and sometimes complete conceptual comprehension of phenomena that are difficult to define. (Reeves, Albert, Kuper, & Hodges, 2008). The structure that holds or supports an idea of research study is known as the theoretical framework. (Lynham, 2017). It comprises of ideas and theories...

Words: 379

Pages: 2

A subjectivity statement

A subjectivity statement describes a person s character and how it relates to the topic of a research project. (Pierre, 2015). Personality Traits Influence Research Personality traits influence how a person perceives the world around them or the subject under study. Religion, education level, listening skills, intelligence, emotional stability, interests in singing...

Words: 665

Pages: 3

A Criminal Investigation

In criminal cases, providing evidence is always a difficult process that requires extensive study and information gathering. The data given in the form of figures or statements must be adequate for making decisions and valid enough to be included in a good compilation of evidence. A cognitive interview is thought to...

Words: 2150

Pages: 8

Introduction to Research Methodology

An organized study known as research aims to identify a specific characteristic of a selected occurrence. A solitary person or a team of researchers can transport it. The results of this kind of study are examined to determine their implications. A variety of techniques should be used for the study to...

Words: 888

Pages: 4

Research Hypothesis

Hypothesis of Research What age group is most likely to conduct violent crimes? Hypotheses Hypothesis 1: Null Hypothesis: The average age of offenders is related to the severity of the offenses. Alternate Hypothesis: The severity or violence of crimes is unrelated to the offender's age. Null Hypothesis Adolescent offenders are more prone than senior criminals...

Words: 221

Pages: 1

CEO of the SunPower Inc

As the CEO of SunPower Inc., researching the New Mexico market is very important. Before moving the business to Mexico, there are a few things that need to be done, like assessing the potential effects of the change. Due to its consumer base and other advantageous elements like government legislation,...

Words: 1401

Pages: 6

Resilience and Honesty in the Workplace

In today's job, resilience is a coveted trait. Despite countless attempts by researchers to identify desirable professional attributes, resilience has been glaringly understudied. The feature is related to the interaction of psychological characteristics in the stress process. "Resilience is the ability to recover from adversity by coping with positive feelings"...

Words: 1564

Pages: 6


Accreditation in Healthcare Accreditation is a globally recognized procedure for assessing the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care institutions. It is an evidence-based standard approach that results in improved quality health services as well as a safer environment. The certification method is used in at least 70 countries' health-care systems....

Words: 1404

Pages: 6

Problem solving

Making difficult choices, whether as a person or a group, is a necessary component in problem solving (Bardach&Patashnik, 2015). In order to conduct my field research, I had to get in touch with an acquaintance who had experienced severe child abuse. As I interviewed her, I took notes to compile my...

Words: 1634

Pages: 6

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