Essays on Government

There are many ways to write a government essay, depending on whether your study is political, legal, or social. Any society needs people in power who will take on the leadership, so people could peacefully coexist, knowing that their needs and needs of the country are being considered. The government can take many forms: democracy, monarchy, republic, anarchy, and many others. Writing government essays will help you learn more about the role and functions of government and its inner structure. Government essay samples, provided below, will benefit your essay by letting you observe government from different vantage points, that other people’s essays on government will feature. Critical analysis of various samples of essays will make your work more multidimensional and comprehensive.


Language has always played an important role in a country's political process. It is one of the primary tools used as agents of positive or negative change. Most world tyrants have always employed neutral means to intervene in instances requiring the analysis and explanation of a written or oral communication...

Words: 5321

Pages: 20


Democracy, defined as the rule of law by the general public, operates differently in different countries around the world and is closely tied to a country's political system. Some countries, particularly the most developed, have more democracy than others. Furthermore, democracy has evolved over time (Grigorescu & Komp, 2017). For...

Words: 2397

Pages: 9

political pundit

Introduction Every political commentator and even casual onlookers appear to support this proposition. Everyone seemed to believe that the government is dysfunctional and that something must be done to remedy the issue. Partisanship and Legislative Challenges There appears to be so much hatred and partisanship in Washington that legislators are unable to pass...

Words: 2943

Pages: 11


Law Enforcement Agencies and Drone Surveillance: An Ethical Dilemma Law enforcement agencies frequently use unmanned aircraft in surveillance missions. Police personnel can trace offenders using this method. Drone use in law enforcement has long been a source of contention. There has been much discussion about whether or not police officers should...

Words: 2677

Pages: 10


The United States Voter Participation Rate in 2016 Elections The United States of America recently registered a lower voter participation rate than in 2012 elections. According to the data collected, the number of voters increased in some states while decreasing in others. According to Regan’s post, millions of individuals did not...

Words: 1774

Pages: 7

European Union Democratic Deficit

The European Union (EU) is a 28-state economic and political union in Europe. Because of Brexit, the number of states will soon be reduced to 27. The European Union lacks a constitution. In 2004, it was defeated. However, the procedures and treaties of the EU establish a constitutional framework. Furthermore,...

Words: 2377

Pages: 9

Conditional party government

Conditional party government is a form of government in which a party's responsibility ends only if there is widespread policy agreement among the majority party. For example, one of the results of conditional party is the universal acceptance that party leaders will back policy ideas where there was previously just...

Words: 2666

Pages: 10

The FLN's Evolution

The FLN (Front de Libération Nationale) is a political movement founded in 1954 that uses violence to achieve its claimed political goals. Algerians experienced sleepless nights and concern about their future as a result of the movement. Algeria appeared to the rest of the world as if it would never...

Words: 1305

Pages: 5

Eminent Domain and Individual Property Rights

The Power of Eminent Domain The power of eminent domain is included in the US constitution as a means of taking private land for public use. However, when the Eminent Domain is applied, the Fifth Amendment provides for just compensation (Paul, p.84). It is unfortunate that governments at all levels have...

Words: 659

Pages: 3

John Locke

The Influence of John Locke on the United States Constitution The most prominent political philosopher of the modern era, John Locke (1632-1704), saw the constitution as a convincing alternative to man's natural state. Locke's contribution to the United States Constitution is difficult to overlook. The United States Constitution is a type...

Words: 752

Pages: 3

Hillary Clinton's DNC speech

Clinton begins by praising President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their efforts during their tenure. She is addressing the public during one of her 2016 presidential campaigns, as she accepted the Democratic Party's nomination for candidate on July 28, 2016, at the Democratic National Convention. She mentions Tim...

Words: 408

Pages: 2

Is a National Primary a Good Idea?

The Case Against a National Primary The idea of a national primary to pick the presidential party nominee has been around for decades. The national primary has gained popularity because it appeals to a simpler type of modern democracy. It is still majoritarian, direct, and clean. Some proponents have recently advocated...

Words: 1326

Pages: 5

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