The Impact of Brexit on Young Polish Couples

The aims to understand the experiences of the young Polish couples before and after the Brexit referendum. Another aim is to study the aspects of racism and xenophobia in the context of the Polish living in the UK under EU citizenship. Methods The approach used in collecting data to support the thesis of...

Words: 2718

Pages: 10

Political, Economic and Social Implications of Brexit

The aim of this study was to investigate the political, social and economic implications as a result of UK exit from the European Union, commonly referred as the Brexit. This study will be important to policymakers in the UK as it will assess the political, economic and social implications of...

Words: 5241

Pages: 20

The United Kingdom and European Union

On 23rd June 2016, 30 million United Kingdom citizen from England, Wales and Scotland voted on a referendum to decide whether the United Kingdom should exit the European Union (EU) in a vote known as Brexit. The EU is a political and political organization was formed after world war two...

Words: 839

Pages: 4

The United Kingdom's departure from the European Union

On 23rd June 2016, a referendum happened in the United Kingdom, it involved England, Wales and Scotland. Where they were voting on whether the United Kingdom would depart or stay in the European Union. The U.K. is made up of England, Wales and Scotland and Northern Ireland while the E.U. involves...

Words: 916

Pages: 4

The Pros and Cons of Brexit

European Union (EU) is an economic and political union of states that are found in European. It has primarily 28 members who have established a free single market ensuring that goods and people can move freely within the member states (EU, 2018). It also plays a major role in formation...

Words: 1278

Pages: 5

Brexit cartoon

The cartoon is about Brexit. Brexit is the imminent withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. Europe is a group of nations that were frequently at war. For instance, during the 2nd world war, the continent of Europe greatly hurt by the fights among countries in Europe (Troitiño, Kerikmäe...

Words: 413

Pages: 2

Reasons for Brexit

Many Britons believed the European Union failed to solve economic problems facing them. However, the major reason for Brexit was the increasing number of immigrants in the UK, as well as political elitism. Therefore, the move was driven by economic, identity and immigration problems. Introduction             The European Union was formed to...

Words: 1458

Pages: 6

Analysis of Brexit

On 23rd June 2016, 30 million United Kingdom citizens from England, Wales and Scotland voted on a referendum to decide whether the United Kingdom should exit the European Union (EU) in a vote known as Brexit. The EU is a political and political organization was formed after world war two...

Words: 842

Pages: 4

Analysis of Brexit Process

'Brexit' and its Impact ‘Brexit’ is the colloquial term that has been adopted to describe the prospective exit of Britain as a nation from the European Union. In June 2016, 51.9 percent of the citizens voted in favor of exiting this union in what was an unexpected turn of events as...

Words: 1226

Pages: 5

The Effects of Brexit on the Economy of Britain

Macroeconomic Effects of Brexit on the Economy of Britain There are both macroeconomic and microeconomic effects of Brexit on the economy of Britain. There have been numerous trials to version the macroeconomic results of Brexit. In this case, it is determined that there will be continued loss of Gross Domestic Product...

Words: 729

Pages: 3

The Impact of Brexit on Japanese Companies

The Impact of Brexit on Japanese Companies The issue of Brexit has been running for decades now. The relationship between Brexit and Japanese companies is explored in this essay as a case study. Specifically, the article will look at some of the impacts that will be felt by Japanese car manufacturers...

Words: 783

Pages: 3

European Union Democratic Deficit

The European Union (EU) is a 28-state economic and political union in Europe. Because of Brexit, the number of states will soon be reduced to 27. The European Union lacks a constitution. In 2004, it was defeated. However, the procedures and treaties of the EU establish a constitutional framework. Furthermore,...

Words: 2377

Pages: 9

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