Review Essays

Most importantly, remember that a review essay paper is not only a summary or retelling of what the book or an article contains. The general writing pattern to follow is an introduction, a brief reminder about the contents, information about the author, critical discussion, and a conclusion that talks about your opinion. See our essay samples to see the share of each essay portion and the correct structure in practice. In most cases, about 60% of your writing must belong to the critical discussion part. Take your time to examine our essay examples that include references to the original article to see what parts have been taken for analysis and how exactly it has been implemented in every paragraph.

Avatar Film

James Cameron Directed Avatar James Cameron directed the film Avatar. On December 10th, 2009, it was announced. It is a science fiction film about humans who colonized Pandora in order to continue exploiting rare minerals such as unobtanium. Their scheme to extract the mineral endangers the Navi species because...

Words: 745

Pages: 3

Ben Hur Movie Review

Ben Hur (1959) Ben Hur (1959) is an historical movie that depicts the life of the character Judah Ben-Hur, a story of the struggles of a man who the entirety has been taken from him, keeps his faith and survives through subject to free himself and his family from the oppressive...

Words: 376

Pages: 2

Compare the Differences between Western and Non-Western Cultures On the Definition of Monsters

Introduction Monster tales abounded in ancient times. Given how little most people knew most of the world's phenomena during those ancient times, it's easy to see why chimera tales were so popular. People were using monster tales to describe phenomena they didn't understand in the universe. Despite this, tales about freaks...

Words: 2165

Pages: 8

Syrian Refugee Crisis

The Refugee Crisis and Its Causes The refugee crisis on a global scale has been on the rise year after year due to various reasons and mainly due to civil wars. An instance of the aforementioned that has contributed significantly to increased migration is the civil war in Syria that has...

Words: 285

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The film District 9

The film District 9 The film District 9 was directed by Neil Blomkamp and told how humans treated aliens after they arrived in a spaceship and landed in Johannesburg, South Africa. The aliens are initially assisted, but they are eventually treated as refugees and separated. Racism as a Theme With bigotry and xenophobia...

Words: 491

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"Stranger Things"

The TV Show "Stranger Things": A Look at the Production TechniquesThe Duffer brothers produced and directed "Stranger Things," a successful Netflix television series. The television series is set in the 1980s and follows a group of elementary and high school students. The children discovered Upside Down, a gateway to another...

Words: 859

Pages: 4

Eric Bentley, a theatre refers to a performance done for someone else.

Original Text: Eric Bentley notes that a theater refers to a show performed for another human. The neolithic cave paintings are seen to be shifted when light reaches the cave in the film Cave of Lost Dreams. The classical chorus provided time for changes to both the actors and scene breaks....

Words: 432

Pages: 2


Racism remains one of the historical challenges of the world. It is a multidimensional dilemma that exists in different aspects of existence. Various rhetorical artifacts have tried to deal with the problem of bigotry, with films being among the rhetorical methods that capture racism in its various dimensions. This essay...

Words: 1295

Pages: 5

A Good Job: Stories of the FDNY - Film Analysis

Good films are the product of a methodical progression that requires serious design and groundwork. Many filmmakers put in a lot of inventive effort and the result is usually a top notch movie that is appreciated by using viewers as great artwork. Elements of movies that are essential for success include having a...

Words: 663

Pages: 3

Movie Review “Crash”

“Crash” is film that was directed by Paul Haggis, and launched in 2005 as a social commentary concerning social and racial pressures in Los Angeles. In the beginning of the film, one of the black characters, Graham Waters, says that he believed that Los Angeles did no longer have any...

Words: 1183

Pages: 5

Rhetoric Analysis of Robert Kennedys Speech

The rhetorical study to be undertaken is that of Robert F. Kennedy's iconic address, which he delivered without advance notice after the death of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968. The Civil Rights Movement was in full swing in America in the late 1960s, and the nation was facing a...

Words: 854

Pages: 4

Brave New World relevance to the society

Despite being published in 1932, Huxley's novel, Brave New World, chronicles several topics and themes that are important to today's moral culture. From the risks of technological progress to class struggles, Brave New World portrays a future in which people will find it impossible to protect their privacy. Again, Huxley...

Words: 1249

Pages: 5

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