Essays on Learning

Chemical Reaction: Synthesis of m-Aminoacetophenone from m-Nitrocetophenone

Research of synthesis of nitroaromatic compounds entails chemoselectivity because in many cases, there are two or more artificial reagents susceptible to reduction and consequently one of the functional group requires to be preferentially chosen to react. For instance, a solution containing nitro group (R-NO2) and a carbonyl team (RR'C=O). The...

Words: 835

Pages: 4

Behavior of Consumers

When I need to buy an item that is expensive or that is at risk of major enthusiastic outcome if an error happens, a high degree of involvement exists. The purchasing of high involvement requires comprehensive analysis. Unlike low-involvement transactions in which customers do not all go through every stage...

Words: 1035

Pages: 4

Theory of mind: Psychological Insight Psychology

The Speed and Direction of Mental State Growth The speed and direction of the growth of the mental state are distinguished by major social and cultural disparities. Western study results show that children have early mind growth while engaging in family meetings to address desires, feelings, and justifications when correcting their...

Words: 402

Pages: 2

Views on Authorship by Foucault and Barthes

In his essay 'What is an Author,' Michel Foucault based his attention on the notion that the author is socially created. He argued that the literary author had come into being in the eighteenth century, and that the possession of the book was separated as an indication of the elements...

Words: 1419

Pages: 6

Eviction at So Sorority Raise Issue of Bias

Sam Dillon's paper "Eviction at So Sorority Raise Issue of Bias" has a lot of arguments, the facts in the claims, a targeted audience, certain rhetorical circumstances, rhetorical appeals and tactics. This article is about how much of his claims in the paper were endorsed by Sam Dillon. The author...

Words: 861

Pages: 4

Observation of Student Differences and Individual Learning Needs

Discrepancies and Similarities between Students with and without Exceptions Some of the discrepancies and similarities between students with and without exceptions were shared by the licensed special education instructor during the interview. One of the key parallels between these students is that they both have food-related needs. A student without exceptionality,...

Words: 541

Pages: 2

Fallacies Philosophical case study

The scholars contend that a falsity is an unfounded claim. Failures are considerably combined with an error in logic, rather than having errors of a real kind. For eg, when counting people in a room and during the count, it is stated that there are twenty people, while in the...

Words: 857

Pages: 4

The Big Bang Theory Research

Origins of the Earth, Universe, and Life One of the most giant questions faced by humans including researchers, philosophers, and scientists are the origins of the earth, universe, and life. It is often enquired with the aid of children, and more so, adults, who seek to apprehend the idea better. Despite...

Words: 2089

Pages: 8


Certificate IV in Business Administration Certificate IV is equal to a bachelor's degree at the university with a period of around six months to one year. The course will take six months to two years to complete. Certificate IV of Business Administration prepares one to serve in management positions in all...

Words: 843

Pages: 4

Child Development

Child Development Child development is all about the study of the psychology of a child, according to the video, which involves the transition from childhood to adulthood. A child's development means both the learning and physical growth of a child. In addition, through their everyday experiences, the video reveals the anxiety...

Words: 287

Pages: 2

Approaches: Psychology

Psychological Explanations of Deviant Behavior Behaviors are acts of people that are related to those social expectations. Different modes of action exist. Deviant conduct is a type of conduct that does not resonate with the prevailing norms of society. Different psychiatric versions have described this behavior. Two of the main ideas...

Words: 324

Pages: 2

Digital Era and Successful Adult Learner

The Definition of Adult Learning The definition of adult learning relates to the variety of non-formal, informal and formal learning activities carried out by adults, leading to new knowledge and skills being learned. Adult learners are identified as individuals over the age of seventeen years who are enrolled in universities or...

Words: 1717

Pages: 7

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