Essays on Law

We dare you to find creative ways to define and explain the law in your law essay. People constantly interact with each other, but their interests do not always coincide, and sometimes are completely opposite. This is where legal regulation comes in handy – it provides a set of rules for people to follow. Many samples of essays on law define law as a system of binding rules for regulating social relations and behavior in society. Law was created for observing social agreements and maintaining peace and security. Law essays often explore various applications of the law. Sources of law are various legal documents such as constitution, statutes, treaties, regulations, etc. which consist of norms – in essays one must go into further detail about it. Norms contain rules and establish consequences in case rules are violated. We hope you find our law essay samples below helpful for your essay writing.

Age of Criminal Responsibility in England

Age is a critical issue and it influences whether a child is capable of standing a trial process and it determines possible punishments for specified ages of children. The age of criminal responsibility abbreviated as ACR denotes the lowest age a child must have to be prosecuted or penalized by...

Words: 3775

Pages: 14

Resilience of the Indian Act

The Resilience of the Indian Act The Indian Act has been said to have racist roots and that it is inscribed in injustices, however, even with these negative attributions that Act has been receiving justifications from both the First Nations and from the Canadian State. through the social theory that was...

Words: 569

Pages: 3

The Blind and The Elephant: A Parable of Crime and Justice

In the article "The Blind and the Elephant:" A parable of crime and justice, Cromwell emphasizes on the need for academics, scholars, criminal justice stakeholders, and members to embrace diversity and acceptance of others' ideas. By so doing, there is the realization of change and advancement in terms of acquisition...

Words: 633

Pages: 3

The Pros and Cons of Gun Control

Gun Control Gun control is an act where regulations are put in place to help control the use of the harmful weapons amongst the citizens. In the United, there has been an emergence of the debate whether gun use should be limited to some individuals or every citizen should be allowed...

Words: 1890

Pages: 7

The Law of the Sea Convention

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) was signed in 1982 and came into force in 1994. It was ratified by a total of 168 parties among them is the European Union (United Nations, 1982). Maritime Sector...

Words: 1449

Pages: 6

Legalization of Marijuana in the United States

Marijuana is a drug that comes from Cannabis sativa also known as hemp. Marijuana is an old naturally psychoactive substance known to many. The plant grows naturally in many countries. Despite the fact that marijuana is a drug used for both recreational and medicinal purposes, the drug still remains illegal...

Words: 2341

Pages: 9

Sexual Harassment at School and Workplace

the paper shall focus on sexual harassment through its definition as a way of recognizing its occurrence, to determine the preventive measures, and how to deal with it before and after it occurs. Recognizing, Preventing, and Dealing With Sexual Harassment             The office of civil rights and the equal employment opportunity commission...

Words: 1025

Pages: 4

Warnaco Group Inc. v. Calvin Klein

The Lawsuit and Allegations The family of Calvin Klein filed a lawsuit on May 30, 2000, against Warnaco Group Inc. for 18 counts, which encompassed intentional misrepresentation, trademark dilution, and trademark infringement. Warnaco denied the primary allegations after a few weeks through a countersuit arguing that it acted within the scope...

Words: 609

Pages: 3

Sexual Harassment Training Program

The sexual harassment training program considers the impact of sexual harassment on the organizations and the individuals. The sessions are meant to inspire change in behavior and encourage reporting of harassment incidents. Ultimately, the goal is to create a favorable workplace environment. Planning The training targets all employees of all levels. However,...

Words: 674

Pages: 3

The Case of Tiffany vs. Costco

Tiffany " Co. Rings has currently won a case against Costco due to trademark infringement and selling rings bearing the name Tiffany without authority of the company or trademark licensing board. Costco on the other hand argued that the imposed fine of $19.4 million is too high and unacceptable since...

Words: 744

Pages: 3

A Contract Analysis

A contract refers to an agreement A contract refers to an agreement that facilitates responsibilities that are recognized and put in place by the law. The initial requirement of a contract is that the parties must first reach a pact and this agreement is attained when one party initiates a proposal...

Words: 2040

Pages: 8

The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

Marginal Utility and the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility Marginal utility is how the usefulness of an additional unit that is consumed changes. The law states that with other products consumption kept constant, the marginal utility that a person derives from consuming a product decreases with increase in the use...

Words: 424

Pages: 2

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