Persuasive Essays

The success of any persuasive paper is in influencing one’s target audience and explaining why some things are important and worth being investigated. As you can see from our free essay examples, persuasive writing may differ from critique reviews to those essays that deal with complex matters dealing with social problems or environmental challenges. Almost every essay sample that you may encounter will include a clear set of ideas that will range from the strongest to the less important ones. You must not forget about logic, especially if you want to persuade your readers that something you might talk about is more important than something else related to your essay.

A Review of the Board Game “Risk”

A board game named Risk A board game named Risk was created by Albert Lamorisse and released in 1957. This game is defined as a game of strategy, conquest, and conflict. Besides its entertainment fee Risk also gives the players a opportunity to acquire, use, and develop...

Words: 883

Pages: 4

Media Literacy Class That Focuses on Race

Racism is a serious world issue that has often been used as a tool to inflict worry and hatred on others during wars or economic downtowns throughout the human history. It is a trust invented by the society which at long last effects in inequalities between different racial and ethnic...

Words: 1174

Pages: 5

An Inspector Calls Play Analysis

An Inspector CallsAn Inspector Calls is a play by British playwright J. B. Priestley, first performed in the Soviet Union in 1945, and later at the New Theatre in London. It is considered a classic of mid-20th century English theatre. It is one of Priestley's best known plays. It features...

Words: 762

Pages: 3

The Four Principles of Scientific Management

Scientific management Scientific management is a concept that focuses on analyzing and synthesizing workflows to improve economic efficiency and labor productivity. It is considered one of the earliest attempts to apply science to engineering processes. This article describes the four main principles of scientific management. You'll also learn about Fordism, Taylorism,...

Words: 628

Pages: 3

The Environment

The debate over the environment continues to rage around the world, with scientists almost evenly divided on the subject. Different organisations and governments' interest in the environment has more than doubled across the world because it plays such an important role in people's lives. Habitat is loosely described as the...

Words: 2065

Pages: 8

Sexual Education

Human Sexuality and the Importance of Sex Education Human sexuality is a broad concept that includes all that makes up the reproductive system, not just sex. One of the most difficult tasks for most parents tends to be addressing sexuality with their children. Most adults overlook the fact that children, especially...

Words: 1211

Pages: 5

The Unrepentant Whore

Jamie Lee Hamilton is one of the first transgender sex workers, advocating for the rights of all sex workers. Virginia Woolf was a prominent feminist writer of her time; Jamie Lee Hamilton is one of the first transgender sex workers, fighting for the rights of all sex workers. Today, we'll...

Words: 1640

Pages: 6

Summary of Mitri Raheb's book Faith in the Face of Empire, Chapter Nine "the Spirit"

The book's "spirit" is summarized in Chapter Nine. Mitri Raheb's Faith in the Face of Empire The Middle East is a region of countries that has recently been plagued by conflicts, with religion at the forefront of those conflicts. Many people have viewed religion as having a negative impact on the...

Words: 923

Pages: 4

zeus temple at olympia

As the title suggests, the topic of this paper is one of the most fascinating topics of debate, especially from a historical standpoint. There is so much to say about this Temple that there are whole books and scientific publications devoted to it. Some scholars have based their entire thesis...

Words: 1732

Pages: 7

the interior design

Kelly Wearstler: An Introduction Kelly Wearstler (born 1967) is a well-known interior designer whose work encompasses everything from industrial and residential interior design to presentable sets of decor, chairs, fabrics, and rugs. Kelly is also an author, blogger, branding expert, eccentric fashion plate, and decorator. Kelly Wearstler Design, her design agency,...

Words: 1455

Pages: 6


For a long time, the church has been associated with the decorative arts of architecture, with sculpture, reliefs, and paintings that establish a solemn and sacred atmosphere. Recently, the church has funded architectural masterpieces for cathedrals, basilicas, mosques, and abbeys that demonstrate the grandeur of the Catholic church. Furthermore, commissioned...

Words: 1373

Pages: 5

Arch of Constantine

The Arch Design: A Source of Fame and Individuality The current article's aim was to outline the art history of the Constantine Arch. The significance of the architectural marvel in comparison to other temples in ancient Rome was emphasized. The essay further discussed the arch's historical significance and rarity in comparison...

Words: 1810

Pages: 7

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