Exploratory Essays

This type of writing is a little bit tricky because it does not stand for any explanation of a certain process but aims to keep your reader interested by posing an analytical exploration. As you will see from our essay examples, you must examine various problems that talk about a certain idea or an experience that you had to let your readers understand your paper. It is not always backed up with a list of sources, yet some paper samples do so only to avoid plagiarism risks. Still, there is no need to support your thesis this way since the task is to provide your unique exploration of a topic. Another important aspect that you will notice in every essay sample is the lack of criticism or bias, which is also important.

“Does the legalization of Marijuana increase in Teens smoking

The article “Does the legalization of Marijuana Increase the Smoking Rate Among Teens? I chose the subject because I have observed many people, especially my friends, engage in the habit of smoking marijuana, and I hope that this essay would inform me in some way. The opening is good and sets...

Words: 553

Pages: 3

minimum wage

The Minimum Wage The minimum wage, or the lowest amount of money paid to a person in exchange for their services, is the major topic of this essay. It is a pricing floor that firms must abide by when determining how much to pay their employees. Moreover, watching shows that explore...

Words: 414

Pages: 2

About same-gender marriage

Introduction Same-gender marriage is the legal union of two people of the same gender. Same-sex unions have occurred all around the world throughout history. In any case, legislation prohibiting such social unions did not become prevalent until the beginning of the twenty-first century. As late as 2015, only 17 countries...

Words: 2122

Pages: 8

Michael Norton's TED presentation and Mark Fahey's article

Happiness and the Question of Money Happiness is the most significant factor in people’s lives, and the question “Does money purchase happiness?” is equally crucial in determining this component. Individuals have the same level of opinion on this topic question. Several people feel that money can buy happiness, whereas many others...

Words: 633

Pages: 3


Obesity prevention in children Obesity prevention in children is an issue that has piqued my interest since I was a child. In Canada, childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions. Obesity in children is one of the leading causes of health problems. Overweight children are more likely to remain obese as adults,...

Words: 1358

Pages: 5


Democracy, defined as the rule of law by the general public, operates differently in different countries around the world and is closely tied to a country's political system. Some countries, particularly the most developed, have more democracy than others. Furthermore, democracy has evolved over time (Grigorescu & Komp, 2017). For...

Words: 2397

Pages: 9

Mohammed bin Salman to Ataturk

Leadership in History There have been many great leaders throughout history who have helped their countries become the prosperous nations they are today. Turkish politician Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who transformed his nation into what it is today, is one of history’s most illustrious leaders. Society and Leadership Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi...

Words: 1549

Pages: 6

Concealed Gun Carry

Pro-gun Advocates and Concealed Carry Pro-gun advocates believe that as law-abiding citizens, people should have the freedom to own, transport, and use handguns. The act of carrying a gun covertly or openly, either on one's person or at close range, is known as concealed gun carry. There are carry concealed weapon...

Words: 601

Pages: 3


Cannabis plant preparation known as marijuana is intended to be used as a medication or medicine. The drug is frequently used for its euphoric, generalized alteration in perception, and feeling of being extremely drunk or "stoned" mental and physical effects. Youths are now increasingly using marijuana as a recreational substance....

Words: 3521

Pages: 13

advertisement - The Daisy Girl

This advertising was intentionally shown on American television to provide President Lyndon Johnson political mileage against Barry Goldwater in the 1964 presidential election. The advertisement opens with an innocent girl counting petals from a daisy floral component. As the video zooms in on the girl's eye, a gruff voice begins...

Words: 285

Pages: 2

Film Analysis The Lord of the Flies

The Islanders in "The Lord of the Flies" The islanders in "The Lord of the Flies" are in a condition of political society. A jet carrying a group of people from Britain is shot on a barren tropical island at the start of the film. People gather in the desert to...

Words: 1176

Pages: 5

Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism

Sheldon S. Wolin wrote Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism. In this assessment, I focus on the 2008 version, which covers the majority of the political, social, and economic issues that occurred prior to the publishing date. The book begins with a critical presentation and critique...

Words: 1332

Pages: 5

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