Definition Essays

When it comes to writing a definition essay, the most important is to be precise and provide a definition that can be supported by facts, statistics, or reliable examples. Even if you must deal with a philosophical matter, a definition essay must offer various interpretations of a term or a belief by explaining the basics behind each academic direction. Use our free essay examples as a source to learn more about definition essay structure and the formatting rules. In most cases, you should turn to dictionaries and scientific journals as it is done in most definition paper samples that we provide, yet avoid Wikipedia as it is usually among the forbidden sources to use in a typical college or university environment.

the beliefs and the bunyoro

Bunyoro kingdom was one of the territories that existed in Uganda, an east African nation. Following its separation from the northern kingdom of Sangora, also known as the Chwezi Empire, the Bunyoro kingdom was founded. The Bachwezi people founded the kingdom in the 16th century. About the fact that the...

Words: 599

Pages: 3

I used to work at the concession stand at the movie theater

I used to work at the concession stand in the movie theatre. I didn't want this job because consumers could be angry with it. I didn't like the work and the management was almost as mean. What kind of lesson did the character(s) learn? The narrator knows how to deal with unpleasant scenarios such...

Words: 363

Pages: 2

Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs: Part 1: Childhood Childhood is important reading for those interested in slavery. It is one of the books that cover the violence that women enslaved experience, but it fictionalizes events in order to portray the subject of female slavery. Linda...

Words: 399

Pages: 2

The Alcatraz Island

Introduction This famous island is located in San Francisco, CA. It was built as a prison because from 1934 to 1963, America's most dangerous criminals operated in that region. Famous hardcore mobster Al Capone "Scarface" was held in prison between the years 1899-1947. Also, "Birdman of Alcatraz," also known as Robert,...

Words: 565

Pages: 3

Evaluation of Perfect and Imperfect Market Structures

In today's global economy, there are many business models. Perfect competition, imperfect competition, duopoly, oligopoly, and many others are examples. Many of these industry structures are influenced by different settings and modes of action. They are both affected by demand and resource rivalry. The optimal market competition and the imperfect...

Words: 4187

Pages: 16

Articles of Confederation Research

The Articles of Confederation The Articles of Confederation created a unicameral Congress. It had widespread powers which it could not exercise barring state compliance, which it rarely received, under the British rule. The troubles faced by the Congress and the nation beneath the Articles of Confederation are what led to debates...

Words: 2206

Pages: 9

Role of mothers in the book The Stranger

In the novel The Outsider, the main character Meursault "opened himself to the gentle ignorance of the world," he uses his unusually optimistic time to discover his surroundings; he has no respect for women and judges them based on their looks. When we look at the friendship between Marie Cardona...

Words: 1121

Pages: 5

Sex in The Canterbury Tales

Sex is a major theme in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales. Chaucer approaches the subject by vividly explaining who has sex, who does not, how people continue to get it, and the consequences. Given the age gap between Alison and John, the story implies that a young person is an...

Words: 978

Pages: 4

childhood vs. adulthood

Adults in today's culture have so many commitments that they don't have time to engage in events they enjoyed as children. Nonetheless, remembering the days when I was a child and could survive without thinking about anything because my parents were in control and taking care of all of our...

Words: 840

Pages: 4


The novel ‘A Christmas Carol' was written during the Victorian period when a great division existed between the poor and the rich. In chapter one Dickens applies personification and rule of three to define Scrooge’s attitudes towards the poor people. The phrase,” cold, bleak, biting weather” has been used to...

Words: 986

Pages: 4

Ted Bundy Was a Lawyer During His Trials

You've probably heard of the infamous serial killer, Ted Bundy. But did you know that he was a lawyer during his trials? The man was incredibly eloquent and brilliant, which is one reason why he remains so infamous even today. We'll take a look at some of the most shocking facts...

Words: 804

Pages: 3

The Office and Eric Birling

In the present episode of The Office, we see the Inspector's investigation into the suicide of Eva Smith, who killed herself by drinking a disinfectant. Two years earlier, Eva Smith had worked for Mr. Birling, but he fired her for leading a strike for higher wages. Eric objects to the...

Words: 621

Pages: 3

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