Essays on Politics

Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day

During the Spring of 2015: The Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day Campaign We were inspired to join the national campaign to raise money for the Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day. This year, over 52,000 students in 36 states and the District of Columbia participated. Many more cities and towns...

Words: 481

Pages: 2

Reflective Essay: He Named Me Malala

Introduction Going to school is not a regular activity for children in some parts of the world. Education is the right of every child, but some of them are denied this right based on gender. Gender Inequality in Pakistan Girls in Pakistan are starving for a chance to attend schools, universities, colleges etc....

Words: 634

Pages: 3

Differences Between War & Patriotism in Different Cultures

War and Patriotism: A Comparative Analysis There have been occasions in history that war was proclaimed over purposes that were downright insignificant, such as fighting for money that was not needed and was merely required, or fighting over a stupid little conflict that exploded into an all-out war, or whether a...

Words: 1664

Pages: 7

President Woodrow Wilson and the World War I

Woodrow Wilson, the founding president of the United States of America, is known for his most famous expression, "war to end all wars." He used the term assuming that the defeat of Germany would have ended World War I. When World War I started, several countries believed it would be...

Words: 1221

Pages: 5

Biological Warfare

Many people in western culture are terrified of the concept of biological weapons because it has the ability to wipe out whole populations. The biological agent used in this sense may be anything from a viable microorganism to a potent byproduct of the organism's metabolic processes. The ability of biological...

Words: 964

Pages: 4

Contemporary political corruption

Democratic naturalism is a legal system and political philosophy that believes in natural law. Political naturalism ensures justice because it transcends religion, personal thought, and philosophies. It consists of empirical naturalism precision and sociological naturalism precision (Bhaskar 16). Politics includes the chemical, psychological, spiritual, irrational, and rational, both of which...

Words: 597

Pages: 3

American Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson

The Successive Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson The two most successive presidents who managed the United States of America were Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. The power and development of the US that stand nowadays started to take contour throughout Roosevelt's management. Fundamentally, Roosevelt achieved the transformation to an effective...

Words: 375

Pages: 2

About patriotism

Patriotism and its Definition Patriotism is described as a love directed towards one s homeland to serve and protect, to help, to be motivated by, to be steered to improve it for the better, and to deeply care for one s fellow citizens. In America, for example, many people expressed their...

Words: 931

Pages: 4

A Brief History of Lokmanya Tilak

Bal Gangadhar Tilak: A Brief History Bal Gangadhar Tilak, better known as Lokmanya, was an Indian nationalist, educator, and independence activist. The third member of the Lal Bal Pal triumvirate, he was a leader of the Indian independence movement. He was also known as the "father of Indian unrest" by the...

Words: 777

Pages: 3

The Kansas City Gun Experiment

The Kansas City Gun Experiment: A Failure with Multiple Factors The Kansas City gun experiment was a failure for many reasons. Most gun studies failed to measure certain factors, including Location, Internal consistency, and Test-retest reliability. This article explores these issues. However, one aspect of the experiment that has not been...

Words: 681

Pages: 3

Can we enact legislation to make it more difficult to get a divorce?

Introduction Individuals marry for a variety of reasons, and the basic reasons decide the longevity of the union. For example, if a woman married to avoid financial problems, she may want to divorce until she has a steady career. The alarming divorce rates in the United States can be due to...

Words: 1559

Pages: 6

ethical/racial profiling

Should Ethnic Profiling be Implemented as a Security Measure? Other security policies that have previously been implemented have failed, so ethnic profiling is needed. Israel has successfully implemented racial discrimination at their airports. Terrorists have historically been able to circumvent even the most stringent security steps. Racial discrimination seems legally justifiable...

Words: 626

Pages: 3

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