The Kansas City Gun Experiment

The Kansas City Gun Experiment: A Failure with Multiple Factors

The Kansas City gun experiment was a failure for many reasons. Most gun studies failed to measure certain factors, including Location, Internal consistency, and Test-retest reliability. This article explores these issues. However, one aspect of the experiment that has not been adequately evaluated is the level of impact it had on the public. It may seem like a low-impact study, but that's not the case. This article examines some of the reasons this study failed to meet these criteria and offers some interesting observations for the next round of gun safety studies.

Level 3 Impact Evaluation

The Kansas City Gun Experiment, conducted by Sherman and Rogan in 1995, was evaluated using the standard methods of research design. The researchers analyzed the data to determine the validity of the experiment and its implications. The findings show that a targeted police presence in gun crime hot spots can significantly increase the number of guns seized. This increased police presence can be achieved at a low cost and is three times as effective as normal uniformed police activity.

One of the most promising aspects of POP is its ability to reduce crime by utilizing public awareness campaigns and community resources. Using these tools, police can address violent crime with guns and bring attention to problems that could be remedied by community resources and third parties. However, there are still two questions to be answered. First, will POP reduce the number of violent crimes committed by gun owners? Second, will the experiment reduce blight?

Test-Retest Reliability

The test-retest reliability of the Kansas City gun experiments was studied to find whether a community's gun violence is reduced over time. In the city of Kansas City, MO, the experiment involved the police department increasing patrol beat patrols in areas where crime rates were high. The police department reported a drop in homicides and unauthorized shootings. A year later, the experiment was repeated and reevaluated.

The study employed measurements to evaluate the replicability of results. Using test-retest reliability and internal consistency, the results show that the experiment had good test-retest reliability. In addition, the study was never repeated under the same conditions, such as beating 144. However, the results are a bit misleading. This is due to the fact that the experiment was not replicated over the same period.

Internal Consistency

The Kansas City Gun Experiment was a police initiative that aimed to decrease homicides and unauthorized shootings. It lasted 29 weeks and was evaluated by researchers at the University of Maryland, Department of Criminology and the University of Missouri. In the target area, police officers seized a significant number of guns and increased patrols of patrol beats in areas where crime was highest.

The KC Gun Experiment employed a time-series design to investigate how gun seizures and crime rates differ in neighborhoods. The researchers observed the same variables over a year and found that more gun seizures resulted in a decrease in crime. This result was consistent with theories based on deterrence and incapacitation. Police officers, after increasing their visibility, could deter crime.


The Kansas City gun experiment took place between 1992 and 1993. It was a police patrol project designed to decrease violent crime, including homicides and drive-by shootings. In order to test his theory, Sherman selected a district of the city with a high gun crime rate and decided to focus extra patrols on those areas. Officers from the Central Patrol Division (CPD) provided extra patrols in two-officer cars. These officers worked overtime and only focused on gun detection. They were not allowed to answer any other calls for service.

The Kansas City Gun Experiment involved increasing patrols in areas with high gun crime rates. It was a 29-week trial conducted by the University of Maryland, Department of Criminology, and Kansas City Police Department to see if increased police presence would reduce crime. The results were promising, but the experiment's effects on other crimes were modest. For that reason, researchers are still waiting to see how much effect the program will have on homicides and gun crime in the city.

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