Essays on Communication

The Story of Photoshop Creation

The story of photoshop creation The story of photoshop creation begins with two computer scientists, Thomas Knoll and John Knoll. Thomas Knoll was a PhD student at the University of Michigan, writing a program for grayscale images on a monochrome display. John Knoll was working as a visual effects supervisor for...

Words: 502

Pages: 2

Empathy and Sympathy

Difference between Sympathy and Empathy Sympathy is described as taking part in the emotions of another while empathy is defined as experiencing the thoughts of others and identifying with them mentally. Sympathy involves a genuine experience of emotions so as to respond to them appropriately. Empathy on the other hand creates...

Words: 340

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Talking to the Dead

About every community believes in the desire to connect with the deceased. Many individuals have claimed to be able to communicate with our dearly departed members since time immemorial. Classic fiction, such as Shakespeare s plays, the Bible, and folklore, describes this contact with ghosts and spirits (Holloway 182-187). Deception and...

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Pages: 6

A Brief History of Lokmanya Tilak

Bal Gangadhar Tilak: A Brief History Bal Gangadhar Tilak, better known as Lokmanya, was an Indian nationalist, educator, and independence activist. The third member of the Lal Bal Pal triumvirate, he was a leader of the Indian independence movement. He was also known as the "father of Indian unrest" by the...

Words: 777

Pages: 3

Literary Analysis of "Sonny's Blues" by James Baldwin

The short story "Sonny's Blues" by James Baldwin The short story "Sonny's Blues" by James Baldwin is a literary analysis of racism in the African American community. The work shows the gradual shedding of prejudice and its themes of music and religion. However, there are a few points that need to...

Words: 887

Pages: 4

Technology is Causing People to be Disconnected, Lonely and Anxious

In terms of social interaction and ease of doing things, technology is one of man's greatest achievements. This has mostly occurred in the area of social media, where the advent of sites such as Facebook and Instagram has resulted in humans becoming more linked than ever before. Since major business...

Words: 3163

Pages: 12

generation and digital media

Gen Alpha refers to the offspring of this generation (Carter, 2016). They are the offspring of millennials. When opposed to previous years, new technology is altering the way children mature today. This paper explores how new technology has affected today's generation, how their lives vary from ours, and the form...

Words: 338

Pages: 2

Logic and Critical Thinking

What kind of advertisements are these (the Seventeen ads) — identification or promise? Who is meant to identify with whom? Or, what exactly is being promised? What message(s) about sex do the Seventeen Magazine photos convey to young girls? What do you say to young boys about sex? According to the...

Words: 458

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Whitman goes here

Walt Whitman's "Song of Me": A Celebration of Beauty and Harmony in Society Walt Whitman's poem "Song of Me" is a celebrated poem in American history because of the insightful meaning it conveys. Whitman employs a variety of poetic devices to convey his message in such a manner that the rest...

Words: 307

Pages: 2

The significance of context, character, and point of view in literature

Literature's aim: educating and entertaining the audience Literature's aim is to educate and entertain its audience. As a result, the various literary methods selected by the author of a text must enable the reader to get a clear sense of the narrative and immerse himself or herself in the plot of...

Words: 1698

Pages: 7

authority and writing

The reader can be greatly influenced by writing. Any inaccurate or deceptive assertion on a sheet of paper has the potential to influence the audience's feelings, attitudes, and actions. That is why, before reading a book, people want to know the author's authority and whether he or she is qualified...

Words: 1040

Pages: 4


Social media and its impact on elections Social networking is a type of electronic communication portal that enables users to communicate with one another and exchange ideas and thoughts by building online platforms. It is a channel for group feedback. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Linkedin are the most prominent social...

Words: 943

Pages: 4

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