Exploratory Essays

This type of writing is a little bit tricky because it does not stand for any explanation of a certain process but aims to keep your reader interested by posing an analytical exploration. As you will see from our essay examples, you must examine various problems that talk about a certain idea or an experience that you had to let your readers understand your paper. It is not always backed up with a list of sources, yet some paper samples do so only to avoid plagiarism risks. Still, there is no need to support your thesis this way since the task is to provide your unique exploration of a topic. Another important aspect that you will notice in every essay sample is the lack of criticism or bias, which is also important.

Women are still paid significantly less than men doing the same job.

Introduction Given the fact that more women graduate from college than men, and the average rise in the number of women in upper-level jobs, women still earn slightly less pay than men do for the same job. Reason 1: Increased stereotypes of gender roles in the US Evidence: Men mostly take on administrative...

Words: 432

Pages: 2

Social Convenience of Marriage

The social system is marriage. Marriage of comfort was the rule in the past. Often its goal was linked to influence, policy and social pressure. Not all of these relationships are the products of spousal lust. This was also a requirement for women in particular. The expectations of marriage have...

Words: 3033

Pages: 12

Recent developments - The violence in Las Vegas

In the U.S., civilian gun ownership has greatly increased. It is discerned that the outcome of quick access and use of weapons is closely linked to the incident on October 1, 2017, in which the United States experienced one of the most bizarre killings in history. A man named Stephen...

Words: 772

Pages: 3

Get Lite Dance

My Ten-Hour Carrier Learning Project at Friendly House After my ten-hour carrier learning project at Friendly House in Worcester, I learned a lot about the community service, food pantry, immigration service, and after school programs. In this paper, I reflect on the matters I achieved during this service learning, as expected...

Words: 402

Pages: 2

Ethics in Freedom of Speech

Ethical Concerns and Freedom of Speech Ethical concerns are the standards governing freedom of speech which, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, "everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, which means the freedom to hold his or her opinion without interference and to seek the same...

Words: 915

Pages: 4

Comparing Organic Foods and GMOs

Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) are plants, animals, and microorganisms that have undergone genetic make-up modification, using recombinant dna schemes, transgenic modifications, and gene improvement. this is often a comparatively new agricultural science that makes unstable plants, microorganisms or animals, which is neither natural nor made through traditional crossbreeding. Organic food,...

Words: 1434

Pages: 6

What leads some children to bully others?

Factors that Make People Intimidate Others Before explaining the factors that make people intimidate others, one needs to thoroughly consider the sense of intimidating others. Bullying, for others, can involve purposeful attempts to manipulate others by using verbal harassment, for example, by taunting or insulting others. That can also be in...

Words: 2490

Pages: 10

About Global Warming

IntroductionGlobal warming leads to a gradual rise in the surface temperature of the atmosphere and the waters of the Earth. Shift is increasingly affecting the atmosphere of the Earth and, as such, there are a number of issues surrounding the existence of global warming. Through means of data analysis and...

Words: 1124

Pages: 5

contigent liability

This is the sum of money that a company owes to outsiders only where there is an unknown future. The contingent liability effect on the company's financial reporting would depend on the incident and the exact sum to be billed. For example, a company's pending litigation could result in heavy...

Words: 2290

Pages: 9

Saving money to pay for college education

Saving money to pay for higher tuition is really important for any student to be able to learn smoothly. Students and parents must realize that everybody has desires and wishes in their lives, so it is prudent to understand their interests before buying (Hurley 4). According to survey responses, 83.3...

Words: 612

Pages: 3

Therapy Adlerian

I will exercise a profound and loving sense of engagement and friendship in an attempt to develop a strong relationship with Stan. I will create person-to-person contact with him instead of immediately delving into his dilemma. Secondly, instead of dwelling on his issues in the initial stages of the discussion,...

Words: 389

Pages: 2

Maternal Relationship

Relational Theory Relational theory is a concept that proposes that one of the key things that people need is the establishment of proper and reciprocated connection in a relationship. This theory is important in grasp the role relationships play in the shaping of daily experiences as nicely as patterns of thought...

Words: 989

Pages: 4

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