Evaluation Essays

An evaluation essay belongs to those examples of academic writing that deal with the analysis of provided judgments or those statements that an author believes to be either true or false. The majority of evaluation essay examples that you may encounter will be based around evidence or justification of a certain point. If there are counter-opinions, include them as well with an unbiased explanation and reliable peer-reviewed references. The trick is to examine the provided information and explain why it is valid and why it is important for backing up your thesis statement. Take time to browse through our evaluation paper samples to see what is considered good evidence and how to structure your assignment correctly.

A Socio-demographic Analysis of Fee Payment Methods

The paper used a descriptive survey method that was applied to examine different socio-demographic factors including age, sex and the payment method used in fee payment.  Understandably, descriptive study involves a purposive process that involves data collection, analyzing classifying and presentation about the phenomenon under investigation (McCusker " Gunaydin, 2015). Population...

Words: 338

Pages: 2

An Analysis of the Stylistic Use of Literary Elements in Luis Rodriguez's "Always Running" and Annie Dillard's "An American Childhood"

The Use of Literary Elements The use of literary elements to make the narratives in Annie Dillard’s An American Childhood and Luis Rodriguez’s Always Running dramatic is evidently different, with Dillard preferring to use descriptions of the character’s actions in the environment and Rodriguez opting to use the environment itself to...

Words: 889

Pages: 4

Analysis of King Lear by William Shakespeare

Similar to most of Shakespeare's tragedies King Lear is another complex masterpiece with dramatic works which function on a variety of levels. Therefore, the play can be approached from different critical perspectives to enhance its interpretation (Snyder, 70). Depiction of a slow descent into insanity King Lear depicts a slow descent into insanity...

Words: 1668

Pages: 7

The Importance of Free Community College in the United States

The current skills gap in the United States job market dictates that more individuals should pursue higher education. Moreover, there are high unemployment rates for individuals with only high school degrees in comparison with individuals with two-year associate degrees from community college (Goldrick-Rab and Kelly 54). In the 2016 elections,...

Words: 2548

Pages: 10

The Importance of Making Choices

Young adults and their impulsive actions Young adults are known for making instant choices without even thinking of the consequences that may follow after. This is as a result of their weak emotional controls. One time, I happened to be in such a situation whereby we disagreed with my school apartment...

Words: 952

Pages: 4

The Role of Social Media in the Construction of Identity

Technology and Social Media: The Construction of Identities Technology has led to the development of social networking sites enabling social interactions, where people can easily have conversations, share photographs, videos, and basically all the moments of their lives. The social media is a popular platform among the youths, fostering unprecedented online...

Words: 1241

Pages: 5

The Importance of Nature in a Golf Club

I had always had this saying that money grows on grass and not on the trees. However, I never understood what it meant until I started working are a receptionist in a Golf Club. I realized the sense of tranquility and utility from nature as I interacted with it. Golf...

Words: 1116

Pages: 5

Environmental Statement by Chief Seattle

In the speech referred to as Environmental Statement Chief Seattle expresses his concerns and those of the native people regarding the environment. After the governor of Washington territory intentions to buy the people’s land, Chief Seattle was worried about the degradation that would befall the land. Divine Connection with Nature At the beginning...

Words: 568

Pages: 3

The Lotteries in Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson: A Haunting Narrative on Conflict and Human Depravity The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is a narrative that contains haunting details on conflict, and human depravity. People in society, always exhibit callous traditions that people do not challenge and adapt freely. Shirley through a shocking setting and...

Words: 1610

Pages: 6

Analysis of The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot

Eliot's poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock": An Exploration of Modernist Poems Eliot's poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is termed as a pioneer of the Modernist poems, owing to its awakening of the literary world to an entirely new world. The poem is centered on the...

Words: 1172

Pages: 5

Strengths and Weaknesses of Writing

Strengths and Weaknesses in Writing I think the skill of writing is an intricate and problematic practice. As such, proper writing needs cautious planning, insight, revision, and copy editing and it takes time to develop and perfect. While some people may think that writing is something natural, I believe that writing...

Words: 619

Pages: 3

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