A Socio-demographic Analysis of Fee Payment Methods

The paper used a descriptive survey method that was applied to examine different socio-demographic factors including age, sex and the payment method used in fee payment.  Understandably, descriptive study involves a purposive process that involves data collection, analyzing classifying and presentation about the phenomenon under investigation (McCusker " Gunaydin, 2015).

Population and Sample

 The participants of the research were students from UBC Vantage College. The simple random sampling method was used since it enabled the investigator to have adequate time selecting the respondents.  The total population used was 173 students from different parts of the institution with all genders included.

Data Collection

  Due to the descriptive nature of the study, primary data collection methods were used as the main techniques of acquiring information from the respondents.  Specifically, questionnaires were used as they provided the researchers more time to evaluate both the physical and behavioral aspect of the participants. Additionally, this method ensured that the information obtained was original and free of any form of manipulation (Mackey " Gass, 2015). However, before the exercise, the individuals had to show their student's identity cards to ascertain their association with the school.

Data Analysis

 Quantitative data analysis method was used with the help of Microsoft office excel. The findings of the research were then presented using tables and graphs to help in understanding the different responses obtained.  The presentation methods depended on the amount of data analyzed which in this study was enough to derive a viable conclusion.

Ethical Consideration

 Different research ethics principles were considered in the entire process of carrying out the investigation. For instance, only participants with their identity student’s identity card were allowed to participate and their personal details concealed in the questionnaires to ensure confidentiality of their information. Moreover, before commencing with the examination, the respondents were informed of their right to refuse to participate in the exercise.


Mackey, A., " Gass, S. M. (2015). Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge.

McCusker, K., " Gunaydin, S. (2015). Research using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods and choice based on the research. Perfusion, 30(7), 537-542.

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