Essays on Research

Patient Outcomes and the Nurse-Patient Ratio

In medicine, the primary issue is how to maximize patient outcomes by delivering effective medical services (Aiken, 2014). This is highly dependent on the level of treatment patients receive in medical facilities, which is determined by a variety of factors ranging from the recipient's perspective to the provider's perspective. The...

Words: 880

Pages: 4

Geographical Information Systems (GIS): An Overview

TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Research objectives 1.2 Research Questions 2.0 Materials and Methods 2.1 Materials 2.2 Methods 3.0 Results 4.0 Discussion 5.0 Summary 6.0 Appendices 6.1 Appendix A: Flow Chart 6.2 Appendix B: Map 6.3 Log File 7.0 References List1.0 Introduction Flooding is a natural occurrence in which water submerges otherwise dry land. Flooding harms human activities, posing a risk. Overlay...

Words: 1191

Pages: 5

Speciesism and Equality of Animals

Recognize and Relate the Understanding of Speciesism, and Motivate the Technique of Species Moderating. Thesis statement: Research on the rise of Speciesism among humans understanding of animal rights violations, which includes examinations of human attitudes toward useless species, comparing ability and aptitude as determinants of species similarity by morality, and...

Words: 1198

Pages: 5

How the aging population's demographic trends are shifting research

Describe how the aging population's demographic trends are shifting. How will population dynamics affect the delivery of long-term care across the continuum? Compared to the state during ancient times, the demographic trend for the aging population can only be represented as linear. This is especially true in light of advances in...

Words: 1777

Pages: 7

Research of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Pain, suffering, and havoc are once in a while brought about by invention or innovative creation. Through time, human beings have been on a quest to invent and create some thing different and new. In the process, most of them have ended up disregarding the possible penalties of their acts...

Words: 897

Pages: 4

Compare of Germany and Poland Christian Religion

This research paper examines the comparison and contrast of Christian religious beliefs and practices between Germany and Poland. It appears at the various dimensions of relevance the Germans and the people of Poland assign themselves to religion in their everyday lives, and it also explores their views and opinions of God...

Words: 933

Pages: 4

Nikos Kazantzakis

Nikos Kazantzakis is a controversial figure from the twentieth century. He is known for his inventiveness, political inclinations, and convictions, all of which contribute to his greatness as a philosopher and thinker. As a result, his reputation as a Greek philosopher has been compared to that of other great Greek...

Words: 1798

Pages: 7

Tradition Doesn't Always Hold True

I used to have a lot of nose bleeding when I was younger. I would bleed profusely from my nose whenever I had a minor headache, was hit on the head, or was poked. My father detested being told he was wrong. He taught me how to treat myself with...

Words: 314

Pages: 2


To determine the range of particles sizes and a known mass of soil classification in the laboratory. Theory Classification of a known soil sample in relation to its particle distribution is done using sieve analysis. The experiment in the soil classification will be demonstrated using the test method of BS1377-2: 1990 (WES...

Words: 586

Pages: 3

Engineering in the Modern Day Economy

Research on the Relationship Between Engineering Education and the Modern Economy My research examines the relationship between engineering education and the modern economy, with the goal of determining how important engineering education is in today's economy. The investigation focuses on the facts found in books, journal articles, and newspapers that illustrate...

Words: 1552

Pages: 6

A Militia History of the Occupation of the Vancouver Island Coalfields

The Research: A Militia History of the Occupation of the Vancouver Island Coalfields, August 1913The research, A Militia History of the Occupation of the Vancouver Island Coalfields, August 1913, by way of Daniel Schade seeks to address the accuracy of the historical records that portray the militia and its men...

Words: 908

Pages: 4

Self-Actualization Research

It is the want of all human beings to be able to discover all their talents and competencies and using them to achieve an internally driven goal. This wish to have a clear goal in life which is achieved via a combination of one`s true abilities and a draw close...

Words: 982

Pages: 4

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