Essays on Communication

Mesopotamian Artifacts that can make, change or Maintain an Interest Group’s Identity

A proper assessment of the affairs of the world The artifacts from Mesopotamia can create, change, and maintain the identity of an interest group. In the analysis by Bernhardsson (3), it is clear that most of the influential people and companies are involved in moving artifacts from Asia and Africa to...

Words: 621

Pages: 3

A good Strategy for Solving Communication Challenges

Strategies for Effective Communication in a Diverse Workplace There are different backgrounds among people, as well as different cultures and social norms varying across different places. Employees with different cultural backgrounds may feel out of place when communicating with other employees. This is as a result of the modern workplace environment...

Words: 456

Pages: 2

Differentiator and Integrator

A non-inverting and inverting amplifier A non-inverting and inverting amplifier can be adjusted to have an approximate differentiator and integrator. Approximate differentiator and integrator circuits can also be used as high-pass and low-pass filter circuits (Huijsing, 2017). The purpose of the laboratory session is to analyze the operation of the differentiator...

Words: 337

Pages: 2

How podcasts can help traditional messages

How Podcasts may replace conventional messages Examples A podcast is an episode of digital audio files, which customers may subscribe to to access new episodes that can be downloaded to their electronic devices such as personal computers, smartphones or video players through web-based syndication. The podcast is a fast-growing sending medium...

Words: 312

Pages: 2

Personal Friendship experience

Friendship: A Greater Emotional Connection My definition of friendship is that it is a connection between persons of reciprocal gain and affection which creates a greater emotional connection between people than a partnership. Honesty, sympathy, self-sacrifice, empathy, kindness, and shared understanding are some of the features that characterize my understanding of...

Words: 659

Pages: 3


Introduction Children and parents who live together constitute a family. Each person usually has a different role to play in the family. The man, for example, is considered the family head, while the woman supports her husband by taking on household chores and taking care of their children. Gender Inequality and Family...

Words: 335

Pages: 2

Hurricane Katrina and the BP Oil Spills Federal Responses

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina happened and was the most destructive disaster in the history of the United States. The hurricane was large and strong and a catastrophic flood was associated with it. Hurricane Katrina's destruction exceeded other major disasters as the Chicago fire of 1871, Andrew in 1992 and the...

Words: 2580

Pages: 10

gender roles and media

Gender equality in the media tends to provoke conflicting responses around the world. A individual who watches television listens to the radio, surfs internet information outlets, turns the pages of a magazine, or uses social media may testify to the existence of stereotypes that suggest gender inequality. Women, for example,...

Words: 3123

Pages: 12

A Job Interview as A Sales Conversation

A work interview is a sales chat. Whenever we speak to someone, your kids, manager, customers or colleagues meaningfully, you hold a sales dialog. Much like a seller, a job seeker (interviewee) and an interviewer who meets a prospective client, decide if each person suits well and then there is a...

Words: 297

Pages: 2

The internet

The Internet and Social Media The internet is now a major networking medium. People are also using it for different purposes, such as business purchases, news searching, sending emails, playing sports, and, among others, staying in contact with friends and family. The internet has since been a medium that affects every...

Words: 782

Pages: 3

Paper Submission for Personal Contemplation

Adjustment is a necessary phase in the life of any person so that they can function and communicate with others efficiently while still living peacefully, especially in different places and environments. Level of Adjustment My current level of adjustment to life is very satisfactory, particularly at a significant level. I will now...

Words: 321

Pages: 2

Interpersonal Communication in Riverdale TV Series

One Season Episode of Riverdale TV Series One season episode of the Riverdale TV Series features Veronica Lodge's arrival into the community and her challenge to Betty's unproclaimed love of Archie. Veronica is all conscious that Betty is crushed by Archie and that Archie has instead formed an interest in Veronica....

Words: 1100

Pages: 4

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