Essays on Myself

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy used by most businesses to handle interactions with present and prospective customers (Tandon et al., 2017). As the senior project advisor for AMIR's international, I will employ the following tactics to successfully install CRM. First, I will undertake thorough planning by identifying and prioritizing...

Words: 351

Pages: 2

Geopolitical Community in California

Roseville, California and its Geopolitical Significance I live in Roseville, California, a suburb of Sacramento, California's state capital. We are fairly centrally positioned, east of San Francisco and bordered by the world's greatest rice growers, as well as northwest of one of the nation's largest fruit and vegetable growing areas. The...

Words: 515

Pages: 2

About gun violence

Cases of Gun Violence and Gun Control Cases of gun violence have long been a source of contention in the United States. Some people want to get weapons to protect themselves, while others believe that guns are dangerous and should only be owned by people who work for the state and...

Words: 348

Pages: 2

An Ethical Dilemma definition

Art is a devoted employee who has performed admirably during his time at Youngstown Community College. He has made improvements to the faculty, including his participation in the development of the non-transfer professional accounting program. However, it is time for him to retire, and the faculty is in need of...

Words: 730

Pages: 3

Unethical or Irrational Decision-Making

Every decision we make has an impact Every decision we make has an impact on the people around us in some manner. Decisions that are irrational or unethical have a detrimental influence on both others and ourselves. Furthermore, the values we choose should improve and contribute to our well-being. Yet, any...

Words: 889

Pages: 4

Harold Koontz ideas on Management

Management Management, according to Harold Koontz, is the art of getting things done by individuals working in formally organized groups. He continued by saying that it was an act of creating an atmosphere where people could carry out various duties and where people could collaborate to achieve shared objectives. This essay...

Words: 911

Pages: 4

Autonomy in nursing

Autonomy is regarded as an important feature in nursing, however it is frequently confused with professional and personal characteristics of the caregiver. The word refers to nurses' belief in aiming for client-centeredness when doing their duties, both interdependently and autonomously. Collegial interdependence, caring and responsible decision-making, actively advocating for patients,...

Words: 1504

Pages: 6

Influences of my academic interests

Many ideas in today's culture are mistakenly thought to be "excellent," only to be shown incorrect over time. A good idea is one that is particularly efficient at tackling a certain problem or obstacle. A good concept should have the following key characteristics: It must provide value in a way...

Words: 537

Pages: 2

Economic way of thinking founded on several principles

Many ideas underpin the economic style of thinking People are supposed to be rational, which means that they choose the best decision. Scarcity of resources, the need to make a choice, and the opportunity cost are all important considerations when making economic decisions. The gain foregone by foregoing the next best...

Words: 302

Pages: 2

Martin Heidegger Bio

Martin Heidegger's Resignation Martin Heidegger resigns as rector just one year after being appointed due to a confrontation between party officials and professors. He does not abandon the party, but he is not involved in its affairs. I don't believe Heidegger completely supported Hitler because he held conflicting political beliefs and...

Words: 310

Pages: 2

Aristotle and Plato's Metaphysics

Metaphysics is concerned with the fundamental principles of things; it includes abstract ideas like identity, being, time, space, knowledge, and causality. It focuses on nature that exists beyond reality and cannot be perceived. Metaphysics seeks to explain the origins of life and everything within it. There are numerous approaches to...

Words: 3207

Pages: 12

Ideology of Transhumanism Challenges

Modern technological advancements and the search of better human conditions have periodically raised eyebrows, arousing conflicting worries and varied reactions among scientists, philosophers, and religious groups. Scientific breakthroughs frequently draw the attention of other groups, such as religious groups, who believe that such developments or advancements violate particular social norms...

Words: 3401

Pages: 13

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