Essays on Identity

Han Kang tells the story of Yeong-hye

Historically, culture has set expectations that are misogynistic toward women. Han Kang recounts Yeong-tale hye s as told by her husband, sister, and brother-in-law. She became a vegetarian after having a fantasy, which enrages her husband and provokes abuse from her father, who pressures her to eat meat...

Words: 660

Pages: 3

Gender roles and traditional attitude

Since most sports are physically challenging and combative, sports have been viewed as a preserve for men. This narrative has turned sports into occasions for furthering the construct of male masculinity. Women are discouraged from participating in athletics because they would desecrate and pervert the nature of the ritual (Messner...

Words: 1511

Pages: 6

Representation of Women in Modern Epics

Women have often been looked down upon in past realities and epics, with claims that they are incapable of performing such tasks. Gender inequality has been noted in some myths, where women are only portrayed as men's helpers. They're often referred to as "pleasure instruments" in some plays. Gender and...

Words: 3184

Pages: 12

Marijuana legalization in Maryland

One of the most contentious issues in today's culture, especially in the United States, is the legalization of marijuana, which tends to split public and expert opinion equally. Numerous conferences across the country continue to be dominated by the subject, and the debates are often heated. The debate basically pits...

Words: 3332

Pages: 13

Humans’ Space Exploration vs The Value of Humans in Robots

Throughout history, humans have had a strong desire to push physical and intellectual limits. For example, their attempt to fly into space is a reflection of human curiosity about worlds other than Earth. According to research, people from 41 countries have gone to space, and all of them have collaborated...

Words: 3151

Pages: 12

Human Trafficking

Sex trafficking in men, women, and children has resulted in the development of policies and prevention programs in order to reduce the alarming rates of human trafficking in America. The global problem of sex trafficking has received increased attention in recent years. Human trafficking is the most lucrative sex industry...

Words: 3028

Pages: 12

North Korea Nuclear Program and America’s Response

North Korea, colloquially known as the "hermit country," has been forced to play the isolationist card, owing to its centralized economy. North Korea has always focused on armament since its inception bound to an authoritarian system of government; additionally, North Korea has categorically expanded aggressive ties to its southern neighbor,...

Words: 2794

Pages: 11

Sexual Assault on College Campuses

Sexual harassment encompasses a broad variety of unwelcome and coerced sexual acts. It includes rape attempts, non-consensual physical touches, and rape. It is literally inappropriately touching or penetrating one's body against their will. Sexual harassment in universities is a common and long-standing issue. Sexual abuse is horrifying, and those who...

Words: 2747

Pages: 10

Harry Potter series and stories

Harry Potter: A Story of Marginalization and Hope Because of their universality and magic, the Harry Potter series and stories are exceptional. It revolves around an outcast young boy. Harry Potter is a young kid. Outcasts have been viewed as a relegated and undesirably typecast community throughout history. The story depicts...

Words: 666

Pages: 3

Skill Set, Strengths and Weaknesses

Learning Activity #1 My best suit is my leadership experience. My willingness to get along with people from various cultures and ethnicities has fueled my drive to succeed in extracurricular events at school and where I have volunteered. I discovered that this ability is critical for high-performing teams, especially those in...

Words: 474

Pages: 2

As a student, he was the best teacher I ever had.

Teachers are supposed to train students to be better people in life. As a result, this paper investigates the characteristics of a successful teacher and how they influence the learning process. Inspirational and Motivating In many respects, the teacher was inspirational and motivating, which prompted us to believe in him. He made...

Words: 296

Pages: 2

My Dreams & Aspirations

When I m alone and left to my reflections, my mind always wanders to another world. During these moments, my dreams for the future form a mental picture of how my life should be in the future. I ve wanted to own my own company since I was a teenager,...

Words: 278

Pages: 2

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