Essays on History

Interest in the past has existed since the beginning of the human race – your writing of a history essay confirms it. Humans themselves are historical beings – we grow, change, and evolve. History essays often explore the origins of history. Samples of essays on history teach us that the original meaning of the word ‘history” goes back to ancient Greek, meaning “investigation”, “establishment” – history was identified as the establishment of the truth about events and facts. Later this word’s meaning changed and it was perceived more as a story about the events of the past. History is one of the oldest sciences, so many essays were written about it over the years. Our ancestors appreciated history and called it “Magistra vitae” – a teacher of life. Check out our history essay samples and explore various topics on the history you can apply in your essay.

Greek and Roman military structures

Two countries with a rich historical record, particularly in antiquity, are the Greeks and the Romans. In their never-ending struggle to rule the areas around them, the two nations frequently came into conflict with one another. These two nations are closely related on an economic, political, and social level as...

Words: 3108

Pages: 12

The Diffusion of Sports to British Colonies

Introduction Most academics and researchers have concentrated on the detrimental repercussions of colonialism, such as deforestation and the deterioration of indigenous culture. The extension of British civilization, however, to other regions of the world helped the colonies' colonial development. This study makes the claim that colonization caused the spread of modern...

Words: 993

Pages: 4

Public Relations

Germany's Historical Context with Public Relations With its promotional efforts on railroads and industry, Nazi Germany's employment of propaganda, and the thriving post-war industry, Germany has a long history with public relations. "ffentlichkeitsarbeit" (working for the public sphere) is a phrase used in German. According to this definition, the industry is...

Words: 1953

Pages: 8

The Raft of the Medusa

A staple of the Romantic Movement is The Raft of the Medusa Theodore Gericault painted it while he was only twenty-seven years old. The incident scandalized Gericault and other French citizens, and he sought to make an artistic statement that would forever represent it. But he chose the most dramatic part—when,...

Words: 1239

Pages: 5


The History of Illustration The term "illustration" refers to a visual interpretation of text created specifically for inclusion into published media. The two most notable illustrators in American history are Howard Pyle and Frank Vincent DuMond. The two were similar yet different career masters (Mott, Frank).The Society of Illustrators in America Future...

Words: 925

Pages: 4

Jacques-Louis David, Death of Marat, 1793

In the midst of the French Revolution, Jacques David studied in Italy after being born in Paris. He was a well-known advocate for the French Revolution, which solidified his rule over art under the French Republic. David was a staunch supporter of the French Revolution from the beginning, especially following...

Words: 487

Pages: 2

Duque Papetiers Gros

400 years of shared history bind India and the UK together. The past provides a strong foundation for reviving this relationship, but the new "exceptional relationship" must be built on an equal footing, taking into account the cultural nuances and present aspirations of the two nations. The British Council's efforts...

Words: 3806

Pages: 14


The Impacts of Globalization and Technological Advancement The incomes and general well-being of people around the world have improved as a result of globalization and technological advancement. Although it has gained increasing attention in the recent three years, globalization has roots in the nineteenth century, during the time of Karl Marx...

Words: 1449

Pages: 6

Teamwork Building

People have worked together to accomplish tasks and pursue goals for a very long time in human history. This is regarded as one of the oldest types of social organization in which individuals establish small groups and members cooperate for everyone s survival and mutual gain. In many aspects of...

Words: 1546

Pages: 6

The Case Against Slavery Reparations

Introduction For several years, there has been a trend in the United States to make reparations to the African-American community for the massacres, injustices, humiliations, and general mistreatment imposed on their descendants as a result of segregation, the Jim Crow period, and racist actions in many other aspects of American society...

Words: 987

Pages: 4

the idea of history

Consider how the concept of history and true historical narrative is treated in the texts you've read. What is one's perspective on history? Is it regarded as a strong and subversive force, or as mere insignificance? What is its purpose, and what are people hoping to do when they use...

Words: 1669

Pages: 7

War: The Emotional, Physical and Mental Scars of War

A situation of military struggle between two factions within a country or between two countries is referred to as war. For the last century, the planet has seen some of the most devastating conflicts in history, including World War I, World War II, and the American wars in Afghanistan, Iraq,...

Words: 1931

Pages: 8

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